The de Castro surname is used by a Sephardic Jewish family of Portuguese origin. Soon after the establishment of the Portuguese Inquisition, members of the family emigrated to Bordeaux, Bayonne, Hamburg, and various cities in the Netherlands. Their descendants were later to be found scattered throughout Egypt, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Turkey, Panama, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Some branches of the family have continued to bear the simple name of de Castro, others are known by de Castro-Osório, de Castro Sarmento, de Castro-Castello-Osório, Pereira de Castro, de Castro Vieira de Pinto, Rodrigues de Castro, Orobio de Castro, de Castro de Paz, Henriques de Castro, etc. The name often appears as "de Crasto." Note that Castro is not in origin Jewish but an Iberian Christian name, adopted by some Portuguese and Spanish Jews after the forced conversions of the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
punch the clock and assume the position and never ask for any more. live and die going through there motions and never knowing what the fuck for. turn the dollar. dig the hole deeper. regret as you get another year older. a foot in the grave, a cogin a wheel. bred to be slaves to there ideals. here among the lifeless. the worthless. the hopeless. keep me to tired to think. keep me to fucked to care. but tomorrows another day, thats what the hopeless say.