In Greek mythology, Crantor (Κράντωρ, -ορος) was a Lapith and the armour-bearer for Peleus. He was killed by the centaur Demoleon in the battle between the Lapiths and the Centaurs that followed Pirithous' wedding, the rape of Pirithous' bride, Hippodamia, and the execution of her rapist, the centaur Eurytus. Demoleon fatally wounded Crantor after he tore off Crantor's chest and left shoulder with a tree trunk that Demoleon had thrown at Theseus, who ducked out of the way. The minor planet 83982 Crantor bears his name.
Crantor (Greek: Κράντωρ, gen.: Κράντορος; died 276/5 BC) was a Greek philosopher, of the Old Academy, probably born around the middle of the 4th century BC, at Soli in Cilicia.
Crantor moved to Athens in order to study philosophy, where he became a pupil of Xenocrates and a friend of Polemo, and one of the most distinguished supporters of the philosophy of the older Academy. As Xenocrates died 314/3 BC, Crantor must have come to Athens previous to that year, but we do not know the date of his birth. He died before Polemo and Crates, and the dropsy was the cause of his death. He left his fortune, which amounted to twelve talents, to Arcesilaus.
His works were very numerous. Diogenes Laërtius says that he left behind Commentaries, which consisted of 30,000 lines; but of these only fragments have been preserved. They appear to have related principally to moral subjects, and, accordingly, Horace classes him with Chrysippus as a moral philosopher, and speaks of him in a manner which proves that the writings of Crantor were much read and generally known in Rome at that time.
Crantor was an Ancient Greek philosopher.
Crantor may also refer to:
83982 Crantor /ˈkræntɔːr/, provisionally known as 2002 GO9, is a centaur in a 1:1 mean-motion resonance with Uranus.
(83982) 2002 GO9 was discovered on April 12, 2002 by the Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program at Palomar. It is named after the Lapith Crantor.
Crantor follows a moderately eccentric orbit (eccentricity of 0.27) with a semi-major axis of 19.36 AU and an inclination of 12.78º.
Crantor is a relatively large minor body with an absolute magnitude of H=8.5, translating into a diameter of around 60 km. Water ice has been detected on Crantor with a confidence of more than 3σ (99.7%).
Crantor was first suggested as a possible co-orbital of Uranus in 2006. Crantor follows a complex, transient horseshoe orbit around Uranus. Classical horseshoe orbits include the Lagrangian points L3, L4, and L5, but Crantor's horseshoe orbit also brings it near Uranus. The motion of Crantor is mainly controlled by the influence of the Sun and Uranus, but Saturn has a significant destabilizing effect. The precession of the nodes of Crantor is accelerated by Saturn, controlling its evolution and short-term stability.