A county highway (also county road or county route; usually abbreviated CH or CR) is a road in the United States and in the Canadian province of Ontario that is designated and/or maintained by the county highway department. Route numbering can be determined by each county alone, by mutual agreement among counties, or by a statewide pattern.
Any county-maintained road, whether or not it is given a signed number, can be called a county road. Depending on the state or province and county, these roads can be named after local geographic features, communities, or people and/or be assigned a name determined by a standardized grid reference; for example: "East 2000 Road" would be a north–south road running 20 blocks/miles/km east of the designated zero point. Many other systems are also used; some counties rather arbitrarily assign numbers to all maintained roads, but do not sign them at all or only sign them on standard street sign blades.
County roads and highways vary greatly in design standards, funding and regularity of maintenance. Some county highways in urban areas are freeways or expressways. County roads that link communities or serve residential areas are often indistinguishable from state highways or residential streets. In rural areas, many county roads carry very little traffic; these roads are maintained less frequently. They may be in poor condition (if they are paved) or not paved at all. In remote areas, county roads are made of sand, gravel, or graded earth, seeing only occasional foot, equestrian, and four wheel drive traffic. Some states, such as Wisconsin, use county highways in great numbers, linking major highways and cities or towns to each other.
County routes in Ulster County, New York, are signed with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices-standard yellow-on-blue pentagon route marker. All roads maintained by Ulster County are assigned a county highway (CH) number; this number is posted on small green signs placed below the route marker but is otherwise unsigned. Each county route comprises one or more county highways; however, not all county highways are part of a signed county route.
Every county-maintained road is assigned an unsigned county highway number for inventory purposes. The majority of county highways are part of signed county routes; however, some are not posted with any designation. Those highways or parts of highways that are not part of any county routes are listed below.
Så nära ligger sömnen
under alla täcken sval
svept och gömd i filtar
plast, nylon, cellofan
Min mun vid termometern
fuskar Mig febersvag
& det känns som om
Jag glömt någonting kvar?
Jag tappar mina kläder
Jag tappar värmen
grad för grad
Nu skakar Mina händer
värre varje dag
som cesium & syre
brinner Jag alldeles klart
& det känns som om
Jag glömt någonting kvar?
Hon är vaken
Jag vet att hon är vaken
Jag är vaken
Hon vet att Jag är vaken
Vi är vakna
Visst syns det att Vi
vaknat nyss
och väntar?
Så nära känner lukten
nu kan Jag slappna av
& utanför på trappan
får frosten Dig att tappa tag
Det har hunnit bli oktober
nu fryser gräset & går av
& Jag hatar allt
som böjs & går av
Tänk om Jag har fel