A countdown is a sequence of backward counting to indicate the time remaining before an event is scheduled to occur. NASA commonly employs the term "T-minus" during the preparation for and anticipation of a rocket launch, and even "E-minus" for events that involve spacecraft that are already in space, where the "T" could stand for "Test" or "Time", and the "E" stands for "Encounter", as with a comet or some other space object. Other events for which countdowns are commonly used include the detonation of an explosive, the start of a race, the start of the New Year, or any anxiously anticipated event. An early use of a countdown once signaled the start of a Cambridge University rowing race. The first known association with rockets was in the 1929 German science fiction movie Die Frau im Mond (English: Woman in the Moon) written by Thea von Harbou and directed by Fritz Lang in an attempt to increase the drama of the launch sequence of the story's lunar-bound rocket.
A countdown is a carefully devised set of procedures ending with the ignition of a rocket's engine. Depending on the type of vehicle used, countdowns can start from 72 to 96 hours before launch time.
Countdown, in comics, may refer to:
"Countdown" is the sixth by Japanese singer Hyde, and the first single from his second solo album Faith.
It was released on 5 October 2005, and was Hyde's first solo single since 2003. This is the first single co-produced by Hyde and K.A.Z and charted at #1 on the Oricon ranking charts the week it was released.
The B-side to this single is "Evergreen (Dist.)", a rock version of Hyde's very first solo single that was also featured on his first solo album, Roentgen (released March 27, 2002). Countdown also featured in Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2, a Nintendo DS game.
Soni may refer to:
People with surname Soni include:
Soni is very small village in Taluka - Miraj in southern Maharashtra State, India. Farming is the main business in Soni.
The Soni are a Hindu caste found throughout India. They are traditionally goldsmiths in the state of Gujarat. They are also found among the Indian diaspora of the United Kingdom.
The Soni are essentially still goldsmiths, with a few also involved in the manufacture other items of jewelry. Like similar Hindu castes, they are endogamous and maintain a system of gotra exogamy. The various sub-divisions of the Soni have their own caste associations, suich as the Patni Soni Mandal and Shrimali Soni Mandal. They follow Vaishnavism, and many belonging to the Swaminarayan sect. The community speak various dialects of Gujarati and Kutchi.