Cotton Candy
Amanda Lepore
One pussy licken, comin up!
Whats your name handsome?
Clyde, ms. virginia, a pleasure to see you.
Oh my, youre all naked too, like ms. marge
Are you going to suck the poison out too?
Do you know whats under my apron?
No maam, I aint never looked...a cock like I got, I guess.
No clyde, its a nice big cunt.
My name is shaggy but some call me saggy balls
Cuz you can see my ball sack hangin out my drawers
I wear short shorts, bitches stop and stare
Later on you see me partin through their cotton hair
I need a bytch
I always gotta check and ask
How many corn dogs been to the cotton patch
And when I fuck bytches thats what Im tryna do
My nuts is people so Im tryna stuff em in there too
Cotton candy
It wasnt made for the mouth
You dont believe me?
Then take a look and then south
Rotten candy, is what youll find without a doubt
I stick my wang in the cotton hole and then Im out
Jump steady, rude boy, and nate the mac,
They huntin cotton, and shaggy shag know where its at
So dont be stingy, theres more than one wicked clown
And bytch you got enough cotton here to go around
Now some bytches wanna go and shave the cotton off, straight to the candy
Im with it
I wont get lost
Thats why I bring the clippers with me
They comin in handy
When you fuck around with the cotton candy
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy cotton candy
Yeah hey hey,
Cotton candy dont get wet until its in your mouth she told me (2x)
My name is j
The kiddies call me jitty pants
Cuz I can play the flute and make my dick start to dance
Like a snake I make it shake, rattle, and roll
And this year my balls made it to the cotton bowl
Unlike shaggy, hes scared of the cotton pie
I ate so much cotton candy I got pink eye
I can remember the first time I had a taste
She pulled her panties down and stuck the cotton in my face
I said your daddys home
She said so fuckin what
I tried to take my ding-a-ling and stick in her butt
I tried to push it in
I couldnt turn it out
She said cotton candy dont get wet until its in your mouth!
Ohhh shit, so what was I to do?
Run like a bytch, or have the cotton stew?
I thought for a second, then I said what the fuck
I ate so much cotton that my tongue came out her butt!
Bblblbllll bytch, Ill have another bowl
My boys had to come and get me cuz I lost control
On our way out I had a new attitude
Im like lets go eat some more pussy dude!
Marge, you know where the money is. you get it and hold it for
Miss vicki while I kiss her pussy.
Sure, clyde, honey.
Okay clyde, now before you kiss my pussy lips, lick the insides of my thighs,
Here and here. yes, it helps get pussy warmer.
Yes, maam
Thats it, clyde, nice and slow. oh, thats nice, clyde baby.
Nice and slow. oh, thats nice, clyde baby. oh god! oh! lick the hairs of my
Pussy! ohh-oh thats nice clyde! keep licking!
Keep licking! oh my pussy, come on, clyde!
Go ahead and suck you bastard.
Oh lick it, oh! fuck! lick more