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Coordinates: 42°24′39″N 11°17′11″E / 42.410919°N 11.286503°E / 42.410919; 11.286503

Cosa was a Latin colonia founded under Roman influence in southwestern Tuscany in 273 BC, on land confiscated from the Etruscans. The Etruscan site (called Cusi or Cosia) may have been where modern Orbetello stands; a fortification wall in polygonal masonry at Orbetello's lagoon may be in phase with the walls of Cosa. The position of Cosa is distinct, rising some 113 metres above sea level and is sited 140 km northwest of Rome on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast, on a hill near the small town of Ansedonia. The town experienced a hard life and was never truly a prosperous Roman city, although it has assumed a position of prominence in Roman archaeology owing to the circumstances of its excavation (cf. Dyson 2005, below). After the foundation, wars of the 3rd century BC affected the town. New colonists arrived in 197 BC. Cosa seems to have prospered until it was sacked in the 60s BC, perhaps by pirates - although an earthquake and unrest related to the Catilinarian Conspiracy have also been cited as reasons. This led to a re-foundation under Augustus and then life continued until the 3rd century. One of the last textual references to Cosa comes from the work of Rutilius Claudius Namatianus in his De reditu suo. In the passage 1.285-90, Rutilius remarks that by AD 416 the site of Cosa was deserted and could be seen to be in ruins. He further suggests that a plague of mice had driven the people of Cosa away.

Cosa (Roman colony)

Cosa was a Latin colony founded along the Tyrrhenian coast to solidify the control of the Romans and offer the Republic a protected port. the 3rd century BC marked a period of expansion for the Roman Republic. Cosa, located near modern-day Tuscany, came under Roman control in 273 BC after Rome took the territory from the Etruscans. The settlement transformed over time from a colony to a large maritime export center. According to Livy, following its foundation the colony was affected by the wars of the 3rd century BC and received an influx of new colonists in the early 2nd century BC, but was eventually abandoned by the 1st century BC. Various excavations on the site reveal that, after its sacking and abandonment, Cosa was reestablished under Augustus. The site was again abandoned by the 5th century AD, according to Rutilius Claudius Namatianus, but had seasonal occupation as late as the 18th and 19th centuries AD by farmers and herdsmen.


The site at Cosa has proved to be an extremely valuable source of evidence for colonial architecture during the Republican period, even though many of the houses at Cosa remain unexcavated. Although the large blocks of housing, such as the East and West Blocks excavated by Russell T. Scott, are sized and planned like the many houses of the Roman Republican period (i.e. the housing of Pompeii), the larger houses located near the forum give us insight as to the complex nature of housing in Cosa. Furthermore, the excavations of the houses show us how the colony developed over time.


COSA is an acronym and may refer to:

  • Circles of Support and Accountability, are groups of volunteers with professional supervision to support sex offenders as they reintegrate into society after their release from incarceration
  • Committee on Sustainability Assessment, a non-profit global consortium of institutions, which uses participatory methods to pioneer the scientific measurement of sustainability in agriculture
  • COSA, a 12-step family program of Sex Addicts Anonymous
  • See also

  • Cosa
  • Radio Stations - Cosa

    Rai International - SatelRadio Easy,Talk Italy
    Radio 2.0 Valle Brembana Varied Italy
    Canale Italia Adult Contemporary Italy
    Lolliradio Italia Pop,World Europe Italy
    Radio Grüne Welle Christian Contemporary,Christian Italy
    Radio Cortina Varied Italy
    Virgin Rock 80 Rock Italy
    Toast!Radio Alternative,Varied,Indie Italy
    Golden Hit Radio Varied Italy
    Radio Peter Flowers 80s,Oldies,Classic Rock Italy
    Studio 5 FM Adult Contemporary Italy
    RAI Sender Bozen Varied Italy
    Kiss Radio Olbia Pop Italy
    Italia 90s,80s,70s Italy
    RTL 102.5 Guradia Costiera Varied Italy
    Radio Articolo 1 News Talk,News,Talk Italy
    Radio Viva FM Italy Dance Italy
    Radio Flash 97.6 Indie Italy
    Rai WR 8 Varied Italy
    Radio Babboleo News News Italy
    Muzak Electro Electronica Italy
    Network Studio 5 - Hit Radio For You Top 40 Italy
    WOLFY RADIO Pop Italy
    GR Italian Parliament News Italy
    Radio Attiva Nonantola Alternative Italy
    Radio Venti Adult Contemporary Italy
    Radio Sorrriso Varied Italy
    Italopower 80s Italy
    Radio Fusion Varied Italy
    DeeGay Club Dance,World Europe Italy
    Radio Tirol Varied Italy
    Disco Radio Atlanta 70s Italy
    Radio80 Italia 90s,80s,70s Italy
    Radio Popolare Milano News Italy
    Radio Onda1 Varied Italy
    Musica Italiana Folk Italy
    ALL COUNTRY CLUB Country Italy
    Radio Sound 95 Varied Italy
    Radio Mondo 106 Pop Italy
    Lolliradio Happy Station Varied,Pop,World Europe Italy
    Radio Bari Adult Contemporary Italy
    RAI Isoradio News Italy
    Frontiers Radio Classic Rock Italy
    RadioMusic Dance Dance Italy
    Radio Sportiva Sports Italy
    Radio Monterosa Varied Italy
    Radio Dancefloor Dance Italy
    RMC 2 (Radio Monte Carlo) Varied Italy
    RADIO LIVE MUSIC Pop,Dance,Top 40 Italy
    Radio Lupo Solitario Rock,Alternative Italy
    Love FM Puglia Varied Italy





    by: Miguel Mateos

    Poca cosa es lo que me das
    lo que me das, poca cosa
    otra cosa es lo que yo te doy
    yo te doy tantas cosas
    No conoces el significado
    de la palabra desesperado
    se que estaba todo preparado
    me hiciste a un lado
    por un doble igual a mí.
    Nunca es como la primera vez
    la primera siempre es la mejor
    hay que pasar de la penetración
    al placer de la compenetración.
    Vas a encontrar lo que perdiste
    en el último lugar que lo dejaste
    porque el día es como la noche
    pero con mucha luz.
    Poca cosa es lo que me das
    lo que me das, poca cosa
    otra cosa es lo que yo te doy
    yo te doy tantas cosas
    Te di un set con amaneceres
    a pleno sol, a pleno sol
    el kit completo con mil placeres
    y nunca un no, y nunca, nunca un no
    Vas a encontrar lo que perdiste
    en el último lugar que lo dejaste
    porque el día es como la noche
    pero con mucha luz
    Vas a encontrar
    lo que perdiste
    en el último lugar
    oh! nena si
    que lo dejaste
    Vas a encontrar
    (poca cosa es lo que me das)
    lo que perdiste
    (poca cosa es lo que me das)
    en el último lugar
    (poca cosa es lo que me das)
    que lo dejaste

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