A corsage /kɔːrˈsɑːʒ/ is a small bouquet of flowers worn on a woman's dress or worn around her wrist to a formal occasion, traditionally purchased by the woman's date. Corsages are now most commonly seen at prom or similar events.
Originally named after the French word for the bodice of a dress to which it was attached, they were originally thought to be lucky or ward off evil spirits It has become a customary practice and a demonstration of affection from a date. It is thought that originally the gentleman would bring a gift of flowers for the parents of his date, and would select one flower to give to his date which would then be carried or attached to her clothing.
Sometimes incorrectly called corsages, flowers worn by men are traditionally known as buttonholes or boutonnieres.
tvoje ruke u neskladu
izmedu zbilje i sna
gledam grad u prolazu
neki ljudi iza nas
hajde uzmi me sa sobom
uradi mi sve sto znas
hajde uzmi me sa sobom
govoris mi da si slobodna
zelim vjerovati u to
ulica u odsjaju
zaludjujes me pogledom
jos uvjek je volim
da li to znas
trazim ritam u koraku
usporavam ti hod
slusam kako zapitkujes