The Cornales are an order of flowering plants, basal among the asterids, containing about 600 species. Plants within the Cornales usually have four-parted flowers, drupaceous fruits, and inferior gynoecia topped with disc-shaped nectaries. Under the APG system, the Cornales order includes these families:
The Cornales urder is sister to the remainder of the large and diverse asterid clade. The Cornales are highly geographically disjunct and morphologically diverse, which has led to considerable confusion regarding the proper circumscription of the groups within the order and the relationships between them. Under the Cronquist system, the order comprised the families Cornaceae, Nyssaceae, Garryaceae, and Alangiaceae, and was placed among the Rosidae, but this interpretation is no longer followed. Many families and genera previously associated with the Cornales have been removed, including Garryaceae, Griselinia, Corokia, and Kaliphora, among others.
Bye bye to my foolish
Bye bye dream travels
Thank you for giving me your valuable time
Wave your hand and turn around
Flash back to a scene from the past
Bye bye
Bye bye you and I will someday
Bye bye meet again somewhere
It would be nice if the next time we met we were smiley
Wave your hand and turn around
Flash back to a scene from the past
Bye bye thank you for the music
Bye bye thank you for the music