Alife may refer to:
Alife is a town and comune in the province of Caserta (Campania), Italy. It is located in the Volturno valley, and is a flourishing center of agricultural production.
The name of Alife has Samnite origin, although a settlement in the hills around the city existed probably since the Iron Age. After the First Punic War, it became a Roman municipium, with the name of Alliphae - the ruins of which extend to the nearby comune of Sant'Angelo d'Alife.
A bishopric was present in Alife in the 5th century, but in the following century it disappeared. The city was a Lombard possession, as part of the Duchy of Benevento and, later, of the Principality of Capua. The bishop was reinstated in 969, four years after the city became an independent county.
In 1132, the Norman Count Ranulf (one of the most outstanding military leaders of medieval Italy) began the construction of Alife Cathedral. At this time, Alife, together with other centers of northern Campania, was almost independent from Capua, and began governing itself. This, of course, caused increasing strife with the central power of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily (created by Roger II in 1130). In 1135, the city was occupied by Sicilian troops; but, two years later, Count Ranulf had his vengeance, obtaining the title of Duke.
Artificial life (often abbreviated ALife or A-Life) is a field of study and an associated art form which examine systems related to life, its processes, and its evolution, through the use of simulations with computer models, robotics, and biochemistry. The discipline was named by Christopher Langton, an American computer scientist, in 1986. There are three main kinds of alife, named for their approaches: soft, from software; hard, from hardware; and wet, from biochemistry. Artificial life imitates traditional biology by trying to recreate some aspects of biological phenomena.
Artificial life studies the logic of living systems in artificial environments in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complex information processing that defines such systems.
Also sometimes included in the umbrella term "artificial life" are agent based systems which are used to study the emergent properties of societies of agents.
While life is, by definition, alive, artificial life is generally referred to as being confined to a digital environment and existence.
When the sun begins to fade, a blaze of blood embrace between us
Our kisses like a falme reborn, wrigglin', rise, snowin' through death
Ever in our life...Gusts of wind break into out cold
Love has never made a choice I realize it facin' two mirrors
Dreamin', bleedin', like a larva thorn
I groan through this blood full night fallin' from my eyes
You never saw how strongly loves a Crow while the sun was low...
I hold you close...This passion of beast is a charmin' mournful thing
Night has fallen in deepest forest's shine. It was a time when we fell down
Meetin' you made my life so brave. When I joined you into your grave
I still call and long for you tonight...through the mirror's light
You never tried lyin' by my side
You never know how strongly loves a Crow
I hold you close my howlin' flow, ever...
I try to play my best cadence of sounds with melodies
I hope to heal your heart...
Never will you lose. Never will you clang my farewell
Standin' I cry waitin' for my...bloody bites,