Magnetic-core memory was the predominant form of random-access computer memory for 20 years between about 1955 and 1975. Such memory is often just called core memory, or, informally, core.
Core uses tiny magnetic toroids (rings), the cores, through which wires are threaded to write and read information. Each core represents one bit of information. The cores can be magnetized in two different ways (clockwise or counterclockwise) and the bit stored in a core is zero or one depending on that core's magnetization direction. The wires are arranged to allow for an individual core to be set to either a one or a zero and for its magnetization to be changed by sending appropriate electric current pulses through selected wires. The process of reading the core causes the core to be reset to a zero, thus erasing it. This is called destructive readout. When not being read or written, the cores maintain the last value they had, even when power is turned off. This makes them nonvolatile.
Confundes paz y es resignación
A dar por perdida la ilusión
De seguir al paso del tren
El tren de esta vida que se fue
Sin mi y tu te fuiste ahí
Por el camino ciego
De ilusiones falsas
Corre mi amor
La vida se escapa
Corre mi amor
La vida se va
Corre mi amor
Hacia donde todos van
Sin mirar hacia atrás
Quiero encontrar
La llave hacia ti
La busco en mi espejo roto interior
Para ver
Y así reflejar
La luz de mi alma y encontrar
La soledad
No es vanidad
Hay algo que se enciende
Se que hay mil caminos
Que nadie se atreve a cruzar
Para bajar en la ultima estación
No hay forma de volver.
Corre mi amor la vida se escapa
Sin mirar atrás