Copyhold tenure was a form of feudal tenure of land common in England from the Middle Ages until the 19th century, and surviving in residual form until 1922. The land was held according to the custom of the manor, and the mode of landholding took its name from the fact that the "title deed" received by the tenant was a copy of the relevant entry in the manorial court roll. A tenant who held land in this way was known as a copyholder.
The privileges granted to each tenant, and the exact services he was to render to the Lord of the Manor in return for them, were described in the roll or book kept by the Steward, who gave a copy of the relevant entry to the tenant. Consequently these tenants were afterwards called copyholders, in contrast to freeholders. The actual term "copyhold" is first recorded in 1483, and "copyholder" in 1511-12. The specific rights and duties of copyholders varied greatly from one manor to another and many were established by custom, though generally they laid out rights to use various resources of the land such as wood and pasture, and copyholds very commonly required payment of a type of death duty called a heriot upon the decease of the copyholder.