
Contra is a Latin preposition (also used in English as a prefix) meaning "against". It may also refer to:

  • Contra (citation signal), a term used in legal citations
  • Contras, Nicaraguan counter-revolutionaries opposed to the Sandinistas
  • Iran–Contra affair, the Reagan administration selling weapons to Iran to fund the Contras
  • Finance

  • Contra account or contra amount
  • Media

  • Contra (Swedish magazine), an anti-socialist magazine in Sweden
  • Music

  • Contra (album), the second album by Vampire Weekend
  • Contra dance, several folk dance styles in which couples dance in two facing lines of indefinite length
  • Contra-alto and Contrabass clarinets
  • Contrabass bugle, the lowest-pitched instrument in the drum and bugle corps hornline
  • Contrabass saxophone and Subcontrabass saxophones
  • Contrabassoon, or double bassoon, a larger version of the bassoon sounding an octave lower
  • Video games

  • Contra, a Command & Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour modification
  • Contras

    The contras (some references use the capitalized form, "Contras") is a label given to the various U.S.-backed and funded rebel groups that were active from 1979 through to the early 1990s in opposition to the left-wing, socialist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction government in Nicaragua. Among the separate contra groups, the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN) emerged as the largest by far. In 1987, virtually all contra organizations were united, at least nominally, into the Nicaraguan Resistance.

    From an early stage, the rebels received financial and military support from the United States government, and their military significance decisively depended on it. After US support was banned by Congress, the Reagan administration covertly continued it. These covert activities culminated in the Iran–Contra affair.

    The term "contra" comes from the Spanish contra, which means against but in this case is short for la contrarrevolución, in English "the counter-revolution". Some rebels disliked being called contras, feeling that it defined their cause only in negative terms, or implied a desire to restore the old order. Rebel fighters usually referred to themselves as comandos ("commandos"); peasant sympathizers also called the rebels los primos ("the cousins"). From the mid-1980s, as the Reagan administration and the rebels sought to portray the movement as the "democratic resistance," members started describing themselves as la resistencia.

    Contra (video game series)

    Contra (Japanese: 魂斗羅 Hepburn: Kontora) is a video game series produced by Konami composed primarily of run and gun-style shoot-'em-ups. The series debuted in 1987 as a coin-operated arcade game simply titled Contra, which was followed by the release of Super Contra in 1988 and several sequels produced for various home platforms.

    The in-universe use of the term "Contra" is first explained within the Japanese instruction card of the arcade version of Contra, and reiterated in most games (including Contra: Shattered Soldier), as "a title awarded to a superior soldier possessing almost super human drive and ability, while excelling in guerrilla tactics".

    In Japanese, the title is spelled with the kanji characters 魂斗羅 or Kontora. This is a form of ateji, in which the characters are used for their phonetic pronunciations rather than any inherent meaning they may have.

    The arcade version of Contra was released on February 1987, a few months after the Iran–Contra affair was made public. While it is unclear whether the game was deliberately named after the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, the ending theme of the original game was titled "Sandinista" (サンディニスタ Sandinisuta), after the adversaries of the real-life Contras.













    by: Schoolyard Heroes

    Up, up, down, down
    Left, right, left, right
    Secret Contra code for extra life
    Up, up, down, down
    Left, right, left, right
    Secret Contra code for extra life
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start
    Up, up, down, down
    Left, right, left, right
    Secret Contra code for extra life
    Up, up, down, down
    Left, right, left, right
    Secret Contra code for extra life
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start
    B, A, Select, Start

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