Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) is an XML-based standard for creating and managing information exchanges that are interoperable and deterministic descriptions of machine-processable information content flows into and out of XML structures. CAM is a product of the OASIS Content Assembly Technical Committee.
The CAM approach aligns with the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) approach and assists with producing Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD).
The camprocessor tools enable creation of realistic XML examples from XSD schema structure definitions. These XML samples simulate test cases for use in interoperability testing and determination of templates for use in actual business information exchanges.
The single most important problem that CAM is solving is simpler and more reliable interoperability for business information exchanges. Today's electronic commerce via the internet is extremely limited in the amount of automation or integration that is occurring. The ability to share accurate concise and verifiable information exchange definitions is a critical next step in enabling easier and cheaper global commerce.