The Confiteor (so named from its first word, or incipit, in Latin, meaning "I confess" or "I acknowledge") is one of the prayers that can be said during the Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass of the Roman Rite in the Catholic Church. It is also said in the Lutheran Church at the beginning of the Divine Service, and by some Anglo-catholic Anglicans before Mass. The prayer is started by the Priest and ended by the people.
While the original Eastern liturgies begin with a confession of sin made by the celebrant, the earliest records of the Roman Rite all describe the Mass as beginning at the Introit, but the celebrant may have used a Confiteor-like confession of sinfulness as one of the private prayers he said in the sacristy before he began Mass. Only in the 10th or 11th century is there any evidence of the preparation being made at the altar.
Outside of Mass some prayers similar to the Confiteor appear earlier. The "Canonical Rule" of Chrodegang of Metz (d. 743) recommends: "First of all prostrate yourself humbly in the sight of God ... and pray Blessed Mary with the holy Apostles and Martyrs and Confessors to pray to the Lord for you." And Egbert of York (d. 766) gives a short form that is the germ of our present prayer: "Say to him to whom you wish to confess your sins: through my fault that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed." In answer the confessor says almost exactly the Misereatur.
(Gunfighter) Marta woke me up that night and she began to cry
She tried to tell me once before about another guy
She held a letter in her hand her body shook with fear
The man she left so long ago at last was riding here
Next day the dark eyed stranger came and called me to the yard
I'd picked up my rusty gun my blood was pounding hard
He said it let me ride away if I give up my wife
But if I chose to stay in draw it have to take my life
Gunfighter who is wrong or right
The man who fights to love or the man who loves to fight
I didn't want to fight the man and I didn't want to run
But slowly he began to count and I went for my gun
Then out of whip his hand lashed out so quick I couldn't see
Before I even touched my gun his bullet burdened me
I felt my strenght go leaking out my eyelids turned to red
I watched him aimed the second shot directly at my head
Just then I heard my Marta say gunfigter turn around
She raised my shotgun to her whip and blew him off to ground
Gunfighter who is wrong or right...