The diversity of systems and phenomena available for study makes condensed matter physics the most active field of contemporary physics: one third of all American physicists identify themselves as condensed matter physicists, and the Division of Condensed Matter Physics is the largest division at the American Physical Society. The field overlaps with chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology, and relates closely to atomic physics and biophysics. Theoretical condensed matter physics shares important concepts and techniques with theoretical particle and nuclear physics.
... and how they transition between different states of matter. The research team has found a fresh way to examine these materials by integrating quantum information science with condensed matter physics.
The first time Rep.Derek Schmidt ran for governor, he was in high school ... “That was my first big race.”. It wasn’t his last ... You’re going to deal with them tomorrow, no matter what happens today.”. This interview has been edited and condensed. Q ... A ... Q ... A ... Q.
To get around the constraints of quantum physics, researchers have built a new acoustic system to study the way the minuscule atoms of condensed matter talk together. They hope to one day build an acoustic version of a quantum computer ... .
Challenges to the Fermi liquid theory... “The Fermi liquid explanation of electrical transport is one of the foundational successes of condensed matter physics—the study of solid substances,” said the researchers in a press release ... RECOMMENDED ARTICLES.
A supersolid is a rare state of matter that defies conventional physics ... These hybrid light-matter particles can condense into a supersolid, much like atomic gases do under extreme conditions.
Until now, supersolidity had only been observed in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), a state of matter formed when a group of bosons is cooled to near absolute zero, causing them to occupy the same quantum state.
A Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is a special state of matter where a group of particles (bosons) lose their individual identities and act like a single super-particle at extremely low temperatures.
... groundbreaking contributions to quantum matter and its topological potential ... Jain was recognized for his pioneering composite fermion theory, a concept that has transformed condensed matter physics.
Since the discovery of monolayer graphene in 2004, 2D materials have revolutionized our understanding of materials and driven breakthroughs in condensed matter physics and material science ...