Coordinates: 53°24′50″N 2°03′14″W / 53.414°N 2.054°W / 53.414; -2.054
Compstall is a suburban village within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport in Greater Manchester, England, between Marple Bridge and Romiley. It was formerly a mill village, built by George Andrew in the 1820s to house his 800 workers. Most of the original mill cottages and other structures remain unchanged.
The waterways were also constructed by Andrew to carry water from the weir, on the River Etherow, to turn the mill wheels, which stood where the car park is today. A water wheel called "Big Lily" was the largest in England when it was built in 1839. The former millpond forms part of Etherow Country Park, one the oldest country parks in England.
Compstall was first noted as place where farmers would meet to trade and sell their sheep. The sheep were held at Barlow Fold, Greave Fold, Ratcliffe Fold, Beacom Fold and Lower Fold. In the market place today can be seen the touch stone where deals were made. The touch stone is a glacial erratic deposited during the last ice age. The deal having been agreed, the parties would spit on their hands, and hit the stone, sealing the deal.
Settembre spesso ad aspettarti e giorni scarni tutti uguali fumavo venti sigarette e groppi in gola e secca sete di te tue cartoline-condoglianze "hello bastardo ci vediamo" l'adolescenza che spedivi sulle mie tenebre incestuose-os? ed il futuro stava fuori dalla new wave da liceale cos? speravo di ammalarmi o perlomeno che si infettassero i bar novembre mio facevi freddo la fronte frigo il polso a zero sporcare specchi era narcosi "potrei scambiare i miei 'le ore' con te ?" tremavo un po' di doglie blu e di esistenza inutile vibravo di vertigine di lecca-lecca e zuccheri vespe d'agosto in caldo sciame per provinciali bagni al fiume mi pettinavo un po' all'indietro superficiali ricreative piet? sabato sera dentro un buco e disco-gomma-americana leccavo caramelle amare e primavere gi? sfiorite con te e gi? ti odiavo dal profondo avevo piombo da sparare se stereofonico posavo d'imbarazzante giovinezza lam? e fantascienza ed erezioni che mi sfioravano le dita tasche sfondate e pugni chiusi "avrei bisogno di scopare con te"