The Commodore 1541 (also known as the CBM 1541 and VIC-1541) is a floppy disk drive which was made by Commodore International for the Commodore 64 (C64), Commodore's most popular home computer. The best-known floppy disk drive for the C64, the 1541 is a single-sided 170-kilobyte drive for 5¼" disks. The 1541 directly followed the Commodore 1540 (meant for the VIC-20).
The disk drive uses group code recording (GCR) and contains a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor, doubling as a disk controller and on-board disk operating system processor. The number of sectors per track varies from 17 to 21 (an early implementation of zone bit recording). The drive's built-in disk operating system is CBM DOS 2.6.
The 1541 was priced at under US$400 at its introduction. A C64 plus a 1541 cost about $900, while an Apple II with no disk drive cost $1295. The first 1541 drives produced in 1982 have a label on the front reading VIC-1541 and have an off-white case to match the VIC-20. In 1983, the 1541 was switched to having the familiar beige case and a front label reading simply "1541" along with rainbow stripes to match the Commodore 64.
Black teeth and a crown of black lies.
I feel surprised but the room's still alive.
I'm left out, I'm locked in,
if I don't win then I'll feel like a sin.
And I'll keep fighting under dead moons,
I feel the dawn begging come back real soon.
I'm shut out, I'm fading,
the sun's burnt, it's the moon I'm dating.
Still losing, still fighting.
It's like forever never ended in sorries.
Here's to the ones that got caught out in the rain.
The church still swallows.
Drink to the ones with thick skins over their brains.
The devil follows.
Here's to the ones who listen to the sound of the rain.