The Command key (⌘), also historically known as the Apple key, clover key,open-Apple key, pretzel key,propeller key,squiggly button, AppleSquiggle, hairball, butterfly key, the quad button , or meta key, is a modifier key present on Apple keyboards. The Command key's purpose is to allow the user to enter keyboard commands in applications and in the system. An "extended" Macintosh keyboard — the most common type — has two command keys, one on each side of the space bar; some compact keyboards have one only on the left.
The "⌘" symbol (the "looped square") was chosen by Susan Kare after Steve Jobs decided that the use of the Apple logo in the menu system (where the keyboard shortcuts are displayed) would be an over-use of the logo. Apple's adaptation of the symbol — encoded in Unicode (and HTML) at U+2318 ⌘ (HTML ⌘
) — was derived in part from its use in Scandinavian countries to denote places of interest. The symbol is known by various other names, including "Saint John's Arms" and "Bowen knot".
Windows logo key (also known as Windows key, start key, logo key, flag key, super key, command key or flag, home) is a keyboard key which was originally introduced on the Microsoft Natural keyboard before the release of Windows 95. This key became a standard key on PC keyboards. Tapping this key invokes the operating system's start menu, if it has one. In Windows, Ctrl+Esc performs the same function, in case the keyboard lacks this key.
Historically, the addition of two Windows keys and a menu key marked the change from the 101/102-key to 104/105-key layout for PC keyboards: compared to the former layout, a Windows key was placed between the left Ctrl and the left Alt; another Windows key and—immediately to its right—a menu key were placed between the AltGr (or right Alt key on keyboards that lack AltGr) and the right control key. In laptop and other compact keyboards it is common to have just one Windows key (usually on the left). Also, on Microsoft's Entertainment Desktop sets (designed for Windows Vista), the Windows key is in the middle of the keyboard, below all other keys (where the user's thumbs rest).
Fantasy sexual dream prostitution solicitation intoxication seduction
The unknown the endeavour to achieve sex
Walks into a room sees the naked stare
Feels the leering eyes eyes are everywhere
Thoughts that will consume every wanting fool
Thoughts that come to soon cheaper as a rule
Everything she feels suddenly concealed
Walking in high heels making dreams come real
Everyone who thought he was in control
Looking for cheap love this love is for fools
When she comes she comes and goes
Where she goes well no one knows
If you think you're in control well she took you for the treasure
When she comes she comes and goes
Where she goes well no one knows
If you think she's just your fool well you're paying for the pleasure of her love
All the wasted smiles nothing left to feel
All the lovers lies nothing here is real
All the times they thought they were in control
As she leaves the room nothing left but fools
When she comes she comes and goes
Where she goes well no one knows
If you think you're in control well you're paying for the pleasure
Everytime she comes everytime she runs
Everytime you feel something is concealed
Suddenly you know when she's letting go
Suddenly you sell well she does it for her pleasure
When she comes she comes and goes
Where she goes well no one knows
If you think you're in control well she took you for the treasure
Everytime she comes everytime she runs
Everytime you feel something is concealed
Suddenly you know, when she's letting go
Then you finally see well she does it for her pleasure