War is a state of armed conflict between societies. It is generally characterized by extreme collective aggression, destruction, and usually high mortality. The set of techniques and actions used to conduct war is known as warfare. An absence of war is usually called "peace". Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant casualties.
While some scholars see war as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature, others argue that it is only a result of specific socio-cultural or ecological circumstances.
In 2013 war resulted in 31,000 deaths down from 72,000 deaths in 1990. The deadliest war in history, in terms of the cumulative number of deaths since its start, is the Second World War, from 1939 to 1945, with 60–85 million deaths, followed by the Mongol conquests which was greater than 41 million. Proportionally speaking, the most destructive war in modern history is the War of the Triple Alliance, which took the lives of over 60% of Paraguay's population, according to Steven Pinker. In 2003, Richard Smalley identified war as the sixth (of ten) biggest problem facing humanity for the next fifty years. War usually results in significant deterioration of infrastructure and the ecosystem, a decrease in social spending, famine, large-scale emigration from the war zone, and often the mistreatment of prisoners of war or civilians. Another byproduct of some wars is the prevalence of propaganda by some or all parties in the conflict, and increased revenues by weapons manufacturers.
The following is a list of main characters in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a team of mutant red-eared sliders named after four Renaissance artists and living in the sewers of New York City, where they train by day and fight crime by night as ninjas.
Leonardo is the tactical, courageous leader of the Ninja Turtles and a devoted student of Ninjutsu, usually wearing a blue mask and wielding two katanas.
Michelangelo is the most comical of the Ninja Turtles, usually wearing an orange mask and wielding a pair of nunchucks.
Donatello is the scientist, inventor, engineer and technological genius of the Ninja Turtles, usually wearing a purple mask and wielding a bo-staff.
Raphael is the bad boy of the Ninja Turtles, wearing a red mask and wielding a pair of sais.
Splinter is the mutant rat sensei and adoptive father of the Ninja Turtles, trained in Ninjutsu by his owner and master, Hamato Yoshi, in Japan.
"The Red Badge of Gayness" is episode 45 of Comedy Central's animated series South Park. It originally aired on November 24, 1999.
In the summer of 2013, fans voted "The Red Badge of Gayness" as the best episode of Season 3.
The episode's name is a play on the Red Badge of Courage.
As the entire town of South Park is preparing to hold its annual American Civil War reenactment of the (fictional) Battle of Tamarack Hill, the children rehearse as a Union Army rally band.
In the morning of the reenactment, Jimbo informs the reenactors that over 200 people will come to see them reenact the battle, setting a new record. He also takes the time to remind everyone that the primary sponsor of their event is Jagerminz S'more-flavored Schnapps, "the schnapps with the delightful taste of s'mores." In addition, the special guest will be Stan's grandpa, Marvin Marsh. Meanwhile, Cartman comes dressed as General Robert E. Lee, and the boys are outraged by his dressing as a Confederate officer. Evidently under the impression that the reenactment is a competition of some sort, Cartman bets that the South will win the Civil War, and if it does, Stan and Kyle will be his slaves for a month, or vice versa. Knowing that the outcome is supposed to be historical victory for the North as planned, Stan and Kyle eagerly accept the challenge.
We see a coming war
We see a coming war
Now can you imagine this world with no oppression?
And no need to dabble in greed and transgression
The solution for murder and prostitution
Never glorify this pollution on television
Corrupt an entire nation explicit images
Never freeing Mumia regardless of proven innocence
Turning to crime and not using intelligence
What makes me wonder sometimes are we in hell or
Inches away from confronting the powers that be
Saw in seconds what has taken some hours to see
Temps is hot enough to melt a bullion
More than a million people are ready
For rebellion this shit is ill sun set to the crack of dawn
If you're black or blond
Uncle Sam is robbing you blind and putting shackles 'pon
The minds of your children for real son
Beware this system and go to war with this institution
They see a coming war
They see a coming war
They expect those of us who peep to not see
Medical benefits should be cheap if not free, right?
The richest people are those without morals
'Cuz once they get inside they tend to keep the door closed
Lord knows they killing us quick and clean
From base heads to people addicted to nicotine
Man made diseases where skin cells corrode
To ones where if infected you die from common colds
Economical foes they pose the true threat
Using your tax, dollars to sell and produce death
What's left? We got guns and drug trafficking
Government will be backing
And blaming Latin and African brothers for dirty work done
The shit they do not only hurts young
But it's provoking revolutionary circumstances slow like molasses
This is a message to the masses never ass kiss
We see a coming war
We see a coming war
Emergency, emergency, evacuate the premises immediately
Emergency, emergency
Now open your ear 'cause slavery will appear
When corporate cut-throats control your career
The treats of life are toned and ain't no way the ripple fix
Beware the microchip that replaces the triple six
Which one? Are you a soldier who fights against fraud
Or pawns in this game on this government's chess board?
The signs are clearly defined, it's merely your mind state