OLN (formerly Outdoor Life Network) is a Canadian English-language Category A specialty channel. OLN primarily broadcasts factual-based adventure-related programming and reality television series primarily aimed at male audiences. OLN is wholly owned by Rogers Media, although the "OLN" name continues to be licensed from Bonnier Group, publishers of Outdoor Life magazine.
Licensed in September 1996 as Outdoor Life by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the channel launched on October 17, 1997, as Outdoor Life Network. Its initial owners were Baton Broadcasting (later CTVglobemedia), Rogers Media, and the Outdoor Life Network in the U.S., which was later acquired by Comcast.
It was announced on November 16, 2007, that Rogers would acquire the remaining interests in OLN from both CTVglobemedia and Comcast, leaving Rogers as the sole owner of OLN. The deal was approved by the CRTC on July 7, 2008, and was finalized on August 1, 2008, with Rogers taking operational control on August 31, 2008.
OLN is a three-letter abbreviation which may represent any of the following:
Comes (/ˈkoʊmiːz/ KOH-meez), plural comites (/ˈkɒmɪtiːz/ KOM-i-teez), is the Latin word for "companion", either individually or as a member of a collective known as comitatus, especially the suite of a magnate, in some cases large and/or formal enough to have a specific name, such as a cohors amicorum. The word comes derives from com- "with" + ire "go."
Comes was a common epithet or title, added to the name (as Catholicism still does with Jesus and much-venerated saints, such as in Our Lady of Lourdes) for a hero or a divinity, as a way to mark a relationship with another divinity.
On Constantine I's coinage, the emperor is declared comes to Sol Invictus, the "Unconquered Sun" conceived of as a god.
Historically more significant, Comes became a secular title given to trusted (ex-)courtiers and others, as a mark of imperial confidence. It developed into a formal rank, deriving from the "Companions" of Alexander the Great, and rather equivalent to the Hellenistic Philos (Basilikos) or the paladin title of a Holy Roman Empire knight and a papal official. Thus the title was retained when one was appointed—often promoted—to a post away from court, often in the field or provincial administration. Next, it seemed logical to link it to specific charges calling for an incumbent of high rank, and even to make it part of the official title.
In music, a canon is a contrapuntal compositional technique or texture that employs a melody with one or more imitations of the melody played after a given duration (e.g., quarter rest, one measure, etc.). The initial melody is called the leader (or dux), while the imitative melody, which is played in a different voice, is called the follower (or comes). The follower must imitate the leader, either as an exact replication of its rhythms and intervals or some transformation thereof (see "Types of canon", below). Repeating canons in which all voices are musically identical are called rounds—"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Frère Jacques" being widely known examples. An example of a classical strict canon is the Minuet of Haydn's String Quartet in D Minor, Op. 76, No. 2 (White 1976, 66).
Accompanied canon is a canon accompanied by one or more additional independent parts which do not take part in imitating the melody.
Used as the name of a person:
In astronomy:
In ecclesiology:
In Music:
The sun broke the haze,
For the 1st time in days
I'm feelin' no pain
I suppose its old news
Like a boy with a bruise
A little girl with no shoes
Nobody knows how lonliness grows
I don't care if it shows
You'll get
Over you, over me
The rain fills the creek,
For the first time in weeks
I'm getting' some sleep
I suppose its good news
But it's a hard thing to lose,
There's no choice but to choose
Nobody knows,
Where happiness goes
Like a river it flows
I'll get
Over Me,
You'll get
Over you€over me
But it's a hard thing to see
That you left me here to bleed
As the years roll by
It's gets harder to find
The answer to the question why
I'm leaving today
Gonna make my own
I don't care what they say
I suppose this is real
Like the pain that you feel
Well you'll just have to deal
Nobody knows
Why friends and the foes
I don't care if she knows
You'll get
Over you
I'll get
Over me€
You'll get Over you€over me
Over me€.over me Over me€over me
Over me