Combat Stress (charitable organisation)
Combat Stress is a registered charity in the United Kingdom. offering residential and community treatment to former members of the British Armed Forces suffering from a range of mental health conditions including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Combat Stress provides treatment for all Veterans suffering with mental ill-health, free of charge. On average it takes 13 years for a Veteran to come to Combat Stress for treatment, however for those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan the time period is much lower.
The charity was formed in 1919, as the Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society, following the First World War when the effects of shell shock were becoming known.
Before 1919
First World War
The soldiers returning home from First World War suffered greatly from the horrors they had witnessed. Many returning veterans suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, called shell shock at the time.
In 1915 The British Army in France was instructed that: