Seco or SECO may refer to:
The subjective sweetness of a wine is determined by the interaction of several factors, including the amount of sugar in the wine, but also the relative levels of alcohol, acids, and tannins. Briefly: sugars and alcohol enhance a wine's sweetness; acids (sourness) and bitter tannins counteract it. These principles are outlined in the classic 1987 work by Émile Peynaud, The Taste of Wine.
Vintage: the Story of Wine, by Hugh Johnson, presents several methods that have been used throughout history to sweeten wine. The most common way was to harvest the grapes as late as possible. This method was advocated by Virgil and Martial in Roman times. In contrast, the ancient Greeks would harvest the grapes early, to preserve some of their acidity, and then leave them in the sun for a few days to allow them to shrivel and concentrate the sugar. In Crete, a similar effect was achieved by twisting the stalks of the grape to deprive them of sap and letting them dry on the vine—a method that produced passum and the modern Italian equivalent, passito.
Seco is a popular stewed meat plate served in Peru and Ecuador. One popular variation is seco de Cordero (stewed Lamb).
-{Sean on the phone with a call-girl.}-
SEAN: What's your name, baby?
GIRL #4: Desiree.
SEAN: Ohh, what a nice name for a nice girl, such as your self.
GIRL #4: What's your name?
-{Sean presses 'play' button on tape player}-
SEAN: My name's sean, I want to get it on.
GIRL #4: Ooh.
SEAN: you know what I'm talking about, honey, I want to drop some serious loving on you, mama.
GIRL #4: Oh sean, you sound so strong, like you really know what you want.
SEAN: Yeah baby, I'm strong as a bear, I want to wrap my big arm around you,--
GIRL #4: Oh my.
SEAN: --You want to be spinning around for some more lovin' I got for you?
GIRL #4: That's sounds nice, sean.
SEAN: You know what else sounds nice, the sound of your clothes slidding off and hitting the floor. that's music to my ears.
GIRL #4: I'm already naked, how about you?
SEAN: Well, I'm half way there, baby, just let me slip out of these silky boxer shorts of mine.
GIRL #4: You must look good you stud, are you hard?
SEAN: Baby, my tally-whacker's all revved up and ready to go.
GIRL #4: ..."Tally-whacker"?
SEAN: No, no, no... I said the sweet-meat.
GIRL #4: Oh my god.
SEAN: What?
GIRL #4: -{To other call girl}- I just heard some fucking idiot call it a tally-whacker.
-{Sean groans}-
CALL GIRL #2: -{To Girl #4}- your kidding?
GIRL #4: -{To other call girl}- And his sweet-meat.
CALL GIRL #2: -{To Girl #4}- that's so gross.
-{she hangs up}-
SEAN: No. She did not just fucking hang up on me for 4 dollars a fucking minute.
-{hangs up}-
What the fuck is happening