Saint Collen was a 7th-century monk who gave his name to Llangollen (from the Welsh llan meaning "enclosure" and 'gollen' being a mutation of "Collen"). St Collen is said to have arrived in Llangollen by coracle and founded a church beside the river there. As there are no other churches in Wales dedicated to St Collen, it is possible that this St Collen may also have connections in both Colan, Cornwall, where Colan Church is dedicated to him, and Langolen, Brittany.
St Collen died on 21 May, probably sometime in the early 7th century. He was buried in his chapel. For centuries, it was known as the 'Old Church' and stood immediately to the west of the present medieval church of St Collen in Llangollen.
Collen is a surname, and may refer to:
Ravale tout, mets ? jour,
Fait s'?clairer les beaux jours x3.
Ris un peu, fais semblant,
Mais montre-nous c'est ind?cent x3.
Refrain :
Fais se frotter tous ces Hommes ? tes hanches,
Joue de tes seins de tes cris, ta revanche.
Cambre un peu, griffe au cou,
Fais se plier ces beaux jours x3.
Gifle un peu, sois jalouse,
Fais se planter tes ongles rouges x3.
Recommence, file tes pas,
Fais moi rougir, n'arr?te pas x3.
Griffe un peu, jusqu'au sang,
Fais se plier tes amants x3.