Collatia was an ancient town of central Italy, c. 15 km northeast of Rome by the Via Collatina.
It appears in the legendary history of Rome as captured by Tarquinius Priscus. Virgil speaks of it as a Latin colony of Alba Longa. In the time of Cicero it had lost all importance; Strabo names it as a mere village, in private hands, while for Pliny it was one of the lost cities of Latium.
According to Livy, it was taken, along with its population and surrounding land, from the Sabines by Tarquinius Priscus at the conclusion of his war against them. Livy records the wording of the form of the town's surrender. The date of Tarquinius' triumph over the Sabines, according to the Fasti Triumphales, which Livy says occurred shortly after the surrender of Collatia, is 13 September, 585 BC.
By 509 BC the town was governed by the Roman Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, who took his name from the town. It was the site of the rape of Lucretia in that year, and Livy records that the leaders of the revolution which followed thereafter, gathered in Collatia to hear Lucretia's tale, then gathered the youth of Collatia to commence their revolution.
Mistress of ices
Stygian Skater
Scribing devices
Dancing on sabres
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences
American sleep
Dream scarabaeus
In chorus refraining
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences
American sleep
One, two, fisherman's stew
Boiled on timber and stirred with a broom
Three, four, pour it on the floor
Feed all the beasties, cook up some more
Five, six, mortar and brick
Weaker than iron but stronger than sticks
Seven and eight, lock up the gate
Nothing to do but to sit and to wait
Nine, ten
Do it again
Bun in the oven
A wolf in the den
Companion chimera
Lethean grazer
Pausing to herald
Mistress of sabers
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences