In photometry, the lumen second (lm s or lm⋅s) is the SI derived unit of luminous energy. It is based on the lumen, the SI unit of luminous flux, and the second, the SI base unit of time.
The lumen second is sometimes called the talbot (symbol T). This name was coined in 1937 by the Committee on Colorimetry, Optical Society of America, in honor of the early photographer William Fox Talbot. The talbot is exactly equal to the lumen second:
The use of the symbol T for talbots conflicts with T as the symbol for the tesla, the SI unit of magnetic flux density.
An older name for the lumen second was the lumberg.
The photometric unit lumerg, also proposed by the Committee on Colorimetry in 1937, correlates with the old CGS unit erg in the same way that the lumen second correlates with the radiometric unit joule, so that 107 lumerg = 1 lm⋅s.
Talbot is an automobile brand.
Talbot may also refer to:
Talbot is an French-origin surname, and may refer to:
Coach, Inc. is an American luxury fashion company based in New York City. The company is known for accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, men's bags, women's and men's small leather goods, footwear, outerwear, ready-to-wear, watches, travel accessories, scarves, sunwear, fragrance, jewelry, and other accessories.
Coach was founded in 1941, as a family-run workshop in a loft on 34th Street in Manhattan, with six leatherworkers who made wallets and billfolds by hand.
In 1946, Miles Cahn and his wife Lillian joined the company. Miles and Lillian Cahn were owners of a leather handbag manufacturing business, and were knowledgeable about leatherworks and business.
By 1950, Cahn had taken over the business. During the early years, Cahn noticed the distinctive properties and qualities of the leather used to make baseball gloves. With wear and use, the leather in a glove became softer and suppler. Attempting to mimic this process, Cahn created a way of processing the leather to make it stronger, softer, and more flexible, along with being deeper-toned in color, since the leather absorbed the dye very well. Lillian Cahn suggested to Miles that the company supplement the factory's men’s accessories business by adding women's leather handbags. The "sturdy cowhide bags were an immediate hit."
Coach in ice hockey is the person responsible for directing the team during games and practices, prepares strategy and decides which players will participate in games.
The specific responsibilities of a coach vary according to the level at which they are coaching. For example, unique to coaching at the professional level, coaches need to have skills in dealing with the media. At the professional level, as each game is given great importance, a coach will analyse past games and prepare for future games. Coaches also are important in determining the style of hockey the team plays. While winning is a primary responsibility at the professional level, at the other extreme of minor hockey, teaching is given greater importance. In the case of coaching of youth hockey, while strategy and tactics are still required, there would be the added responsibility of teaching fundamental skills and the rules of the game, providing a fun and safe environment, developing character, teaching physical fitness and the ability to communicate in a positive manner.
This is a list of episodes of the television sitcom Coach. The series aired on ABC from February 28, 1989 to May 14, 1997, with 197 episodes produced over 9 seasons.