The fire in my eyes should bring you down, but you say good night for the thousandth time. Clock above my head flashes three A.M, but you say it’s time for you to leave again, again.
Do you not want me? Don’t leave me like this. My skin aches for your touch stays on me, our bodies get closer every time, and I’m left with your taste on my mind, taste, taste on my mind. You’re on my
Mind if I set the scene, of when you leave me curled on the floor, next to the clothes you just ripped off. You bring me this far how can you leave, like this? Like this.
Do you not want me? Don’t leave me like this. My skin aches for your touch stays on me, our bodies get closer every time, and I’m left with your taste on my mind, taste, taste on my mind. You’re on my mind.
I’m lying on the floor, at the point I thought was no return, your hand over my mouth, I wanna scream, I wanna scream, scream.
Mind if I add one thing, you look at me like I need more than you want to give to me, it’s you that’s wrong, I only want one thing, one thing.