CloneCD is proprietary optical disc authoring software that makes exact, 1:1 copies of music and data CDs and DVDs, regardless of any Digital Rights Management (DRM) restrictions. It was originally written by Oliver Kastl and offered by Swiss company Elaborate Bytes, but due to changes in European copyright law, they were forced to take it off the market. The software is now sold by SlySoft, a company located in Antigua and Barbuda, whose legislation does not ban the circumvention of DRM schemes. The last version of CloneCD made by Elaborate Bytes was v4.2.0.2.
In older versions of "CloneCD," the features "Amplify Weak Sectors," "Protected PC Games," and "Hide CDR Media" were disabled in the United States of America and Japan. Changing the region and language settings in Windows (e. g. to Canadian English) and/or patches could unlock these features in the two countries. SlySoft decided to leave these options disabled for the USA for legal reasons, but, strangely enough, in the program "AnyDVD," which is also illegal according to US law, no features were disabled. The current version of CloneCD is not region-restricted anymore.
Frau Petermann
was treibt denn bloß dein Peter?
Jeden Abend
wenn es dunkel wird
dann geht er frisch rasiert
und gut gekämmt
schicker Anzug
weißes Hemd
rote Nelke am Jackett
fein von A bis Z.
der Peter
der ist schlau
schlau wie ein Fuchs in seinem bau.
Und wenn er liebeshunger hat
jagt er die Gänschen in der Stadt.
Und man erzählt
daß er bei Nacht
fast immer reichlich Beute macht.
weiß keiner ganz genau
der Peter
der ist schlau.
Jedoch das Tollste ist daran
daß er nicht immer treu sein kann!
Und trotzdem liebt ihn jede Frau
der Peter
der ist schlau.
Frau Petermann
Hut ab vor deinem Peter.
Uns zum Narr'n zu halten
das versteht er
tags spielt er den braven Mann
der kein Wasser trüben kann
doch im Schutz der Dämmerung wird er wieder jung.