Clivia /ˈklaɪviə/ is a genus of monocot flowering plants native to southern Africa. They are from the family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. Common names are Natal lily or bush lily.
They are herbaceous evergreen plants, with green, strap-like leaves. Individual flowers are more or less bell-shaped, occurring in umbels on a stalk above the foliage; colors typically range from yellow through orange to red. Many cultivars exist, some with variegated leaf patterns.
Species of Clivia are found only in South Africa and Swaziland. They are typically forest undergrowth plants, adapted to low light (with the exception of C. mirabilis from the Western Cape).
Clivia shares common features with the other members of the subfamily Amaryllidoideae. Individual flowers have three sepals and three petals, all very similar (although the sepals are typically narrower than the petals) and collectively called tepals. In Clivia the tepals are fused at the base to form a tube, although this may be very short. The flower varies in shape from an open cup to a narrow hanging tube. In the species the flowers are mainly in shades of yellow through orange to red. The flowers are arranged in umbels (i.e. the flower-stalks or pedicels radiate from a single point); each umbel has a long stalk or peduncle. Several bracts subtend the umbels. Each flower has six stamens and an inferior ovary (i.e. one which is below the tepals) made up of three locules. The stamens have long filaments and anthers which are free to move on their filaments. The style is longer than the tepals, ending in a short three-part stigma.
'Clivia' is a German apple cultivar. It was created at the Institut für Acker- und Pflanzenbau of Müncheberg, in Märkisch-Oderland in eastern Germany, which at that time was in the German Democratic Republic. It is a hybrid of 'Geheimrat Dr. Oldenburg' and 'Cox's Orange Pippin'. It was reported as a new variety in 1964 and 1965; it was parent of a new cultivar, 'Pinova', in 1965.
Cultivars that descend from 'Clivia' include: 'Pilot' ('Clivia' × 'Undine'); 'Pinova' ('Clivia' × 'Golden Delicious'); 'Rubinstep' ('Clivia' × 'Rubin'); and 'Reanda'.
935 Clivia is belongs to the Flora family of Main Belt asteroids. Its diameter is about 7.9 km and it has an albedo of 0.197 .
Your morning smile of torture
Holds me in its grip
You trace the taste of yesterday
The bruise upon my lip
You touch my eyes and hypnotize
And slip inside my heart
I wait for this forever
But we always fall apart
You want to hold me closer
And secretly entice
You take the size of shadowed men
And punish me with kisses every night
This espionage is sweeter now
Now that we're alone
But I meet your eyes and then despise
All we call our own
I write my name in lipstick
On the mirror as I leave
To stay would be too dangerous
To break the make-believe
You want to hold me closer
And secretly entice
You take the size of shadowed men