Height above average terrain (HAAT) (or less popularly, EHAAT, Effective Height Above Average Terrain) is a measure of how high an antenna site is above the surrounding landscape. HAAT is used extensively in FM radio and television, as it is more important than effective radiated power (ERP) in determining the range of broadcasts (VHF and UHF in particular, as they are line of sight transmissions). For international coordination, it is officially measured in meters, even by the Federal Communications Commission in the United States, as Canada and Mexico (both of which use metric) have extensive border zones where international stations can be received on either side of the international boundaries. Stations that want to increase above a certain HAAT must reduce their power accordingly, based on the maximum distance their station class is allowed to cover (see list of broadcast station classes for more information on this).
Before metrification at the FCC, the procedure to figure HAAT was relatively simple: from the proposed or actual antenna site, either 12 or 16 radials were drawn, and points at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 miles (16 km) radius along each radial were used. The entire radial graph could be rotated to achieve the best effect for the station. The altitude of the antenna site, minus the average altitude of all the specified points, was the HAAT. This can create some unusual cases, particularly in mountainous regions—it is possible to have a negative number for HAAT (the transmitter would not be located underground, but rather in a valley, with hills on both sides taller than the transmitter itself, for example).
We finally found or place in the debt of leaders
History shows us the path of this fallacy
Is this a nation of liars and cowards?
Media outlets have failed, these faulty factions bring us
Falsified fact in spite of the deaths;
Spreading chaos throughout the world.
They get what they want in spite of their debt,
Their tactics have got fallacious appeal
I‘ll never see how anyone believes what they say.
Fucking anything that comes out of their mouths is always hope but just
Lies to our faces, you fucking disgraces
So what’s the real deal baby,
Don’t get nothing for free
I’ll never compromise my intellect
To make an amends, you see
I have a big problem with your broken regime
But I got no problem with shrugging off
This fabricated dream -
You’re all the same
And no one owes you a thing
Arrogance, straight the fools who detest such things.
Perilous. Extending the aftermath; transpired quick.
Great conceit, welcoming; Take note and laugh like it’s their fault.