Clannad (visual novel)

Clannad (クラナド Kuranado) is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key and released on April 28, 2004 for Windows PCs. While both of Key's first two previous works, Kanon and Air, had been released first as adult games and then censored for the younger market, Clannad was released with a rating for all ages. It was later ported to the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita consoles. An English version for Windows was released on Steam by Sekai Project in 2015.

The story follows the life of Tomoya Okazaki. In the first story arc, called School Life, he is a high school delinquent who meets many people in his last year at school, including five girls, and helps resolve their individual problems. The second story arc, called After Story, follows his life as an adult after graduating from school. The gameplay of Clannad follows a branching plot line which offers a number of alternate scenarios with dialogue choices and courses of interaction, focusing on the player character's interactions with various non-player characters.





Gaoth Barra Na dTonn

by: Clannad

Tá gealach na gconnlach ag éirí sa spéir
's grian bhuí an fhómhair ag tomadh sa weir
Tá na beachógaí 'dranndián sa tsean duilliúr donn
Tá gaoth barra na g'coillte, gaoth barra na d'tonn
Tá na ba óga geimní 'nuas mhallí chró lí?
Sna caoirigh ag meidhlí le druidim na hoich'
Tá geal gháir na sruthan fán screagach anonn
Tá gaoth barra na g'coillte, gaoth barra na d'tonn
Ina sruth uisce cheolmhar tá na bradáin a'sceith
's thart fa na himill tá an fhuiseog a breith
Tig na héanlaith na scaoth ann, an druideog san lon
Mar tá dideán gan doicheall fá gaoth barra na d'tonn
's gímse pádraig agus naomh chonaill caol
Nach n-iarraim aon fhlairheas I ndeireadh mo shaoil
Ach m'anam bheith seoladh fá'n duilliúr donn
