The Clan Wallace is a Scottish clan and is officially recognized as such by the Lord Lyon King of Arms. The most famous member of the clan was the Scottish patriot William Wallace of the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
The Wallace family first came to Scotland with a Norman family in the 11th century.David I of Scotland was eager to extend the benefits of Norman influence and gave grants to the nobles of the south. Among them was Walter fitz Alan, who the Scottish king appointed his Steward in 1136. One of Fitzallan's followers was Richard Wallace from Oswestry who came north to try and improve his fortunes. Oswestry is on the Welsh border so it is possible that the name Wallace may be a corruption of Le Waleis meaning the "Welshman". However while it is possible that the Wallaces were originally Britons from Wales, who came north with David I of Scotland in the eleventh century, another theory is that they were Britons who had settled in Strathclyde in the tenth century.
With one look I can break your heart
With one look I play every part
I can make your sad heart sing
With one look you'll know all you need to know
With one smile I'm the girl next door
Or the love that you've hungered for
When I speak it's with my soul
I can play any role
No words can tell the stories my eyes tell
Watch me when I frown, you can't write that down
You know I'm right, it's there in black and white
When I look your way, you'll hear what I say
Yes, with one look I put words to shame
Just one look sets the screen aflame
Silent music starts to play
One tear in my eye makes the whole world cry
With one look they'll forgive the past
They'll rejoice I've returned at last
To my people in the dark
Still out there in the dark...
Silent music starts to play
With one look you'll know all you need to know
With one look I'll ignite a blaze
I'll return to my glory days
They'll say, "Norma's back at last!"
This time I am staying, I'm staying for good
I'll be back to where I was born to be