Claire Berlinski
Claire Berlinski (born 1968) is an American journalist and author. Born and raised in California and other parts of the United States, including New York and Seattle, she read Modern History at Balliol College, Oxford where she earned a doctorate in International Relations. She has lived in Bangkok, where she worked for Asia Times; Laos, where she worked briefly for the United Nations Development Program; and Paris, where she worked as a freelance journalist. She now lives in Istanbul, where she is a senior fellow for Turkey at the American Foreign Policy Council and a Manhattan Institute scholar.
Berlinski has written two spy novels, a work on Europe's importance to American interests, and an admiring but critical biography of Margaret Thatcher.
Her journalism has been published in The New York Times and The Washington Post. She contributes to publications including the American, the American Interest, the American Review, Arabies Trends, Asia Times, Azure, the Browser, City A.M, City Journal, First Post, Gatestone International Policy Council, the Claremont Review of Books, the Financial Times, the Globe and Mail, the Guardian, Investor's Business Daily, the Journal of International Security Affairs, the Los Angeles Times, Manager Magazine, the Middle East Journal of International Affairs, the National Review, Penthouse, Policy Review, Radio Free Europe, Standpoint, Tablet, the Tower, the National, the National Interest, the New York Sun, the New York Times, the Oxford International Review, the Spectator, Ricochet, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Washington Times Communities, The Weekly Standard, Travel & Leisure, Traveler’s Tales, and World Affairs Journal