A defensive wall is a fortification used to protect a city, town or other settlement from potential aggressors. In ancient to modern times, they were used to enclose settlements. Generally, these are referred to as city walls or town walls, although there were also walls, such as the Great Wall of China, Walls of Benin, Hadrian's Wall, and the metaphorical Atlantic Wall, which extended far beyond the borders of a city and were used to enclose regions or mark territorial boundaries. Beyond their defensive utility, many walls also had important symbolic functions – representing the status and independence of the communities they embraced.
Existing ancient walls are almost always masonry structures, although brick and timber-built variants are also known. Depending on the topography of the area surrounding the city or the settlement the wall is intended to protect, elements of the terrain (e.g. rivers or coastlines) may be incorporated in order to make the wall more effective.
A sunny day! I opened my eyes, a welcome break from bright grey skies. Today is a blank page, there is so much I could do. I remembered a sign that once rang true,
The indictment says the show was meant to focus on a scientist who created a group of powerful clones "banished to a walled area in a Brazilian city, where they began developing advanced technology and came into conflict with humans and each other.".
They leave not only as better players but as advocates who have experienced the country firsthand.Field trips to historic sites like the WesternWall and the Old City of Jerusalem provide players with ...
It was a prosperous city with impressive fortified walls and a large theater, making it one of the most significant centers of ancient Acarnania and a key port along the maritime route to Corfu.
Walled City of LahoreAuthority (WCLA) has started the restoration of Lahore’s historic Akbari SpiceMarket known as Akbari Mandi... The Walled City Authority was overseeing its implementation’.
Soon thereafter, Hebermehl and fellow artist James Zdaniewski founded SeeSAW (See SavannahArtWalls), which pushed for the development of the city’s mural ordinance and application process in partnership with the MetropolitanPlanning Commission.
It was a well-defended city with extensive fortification walls that stretched for over 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) ... Explore the remains of fortification walls, a marketplace, a theater and temples that ...
Handprints of executed prisoners remain on the walls, adding to its haunted reputation. PennhurstAsylum, SpringCity... have a spooky atmosphere, with stark concrete walls and graffiti-covered surfaces.
A mix of state, city and team funds would also fix a moisture barrier problem that has developed behind the bullpen walls, according to the team, and remove and replace soils that were contaminated ...
Will there be live music at OceanCity's Springfest? ... The garden will feature a floral wall adorned with Ocean City’s iconic SmileLogo, creating the perfect backdrop for a photo opportunity, the town said in a March 18 news release.
These two bills would yank local control of development away from cities and counties across the state ...Don’t tear down these walls ... They’d like to play Ronald Reagan in Berlin and demand someone tear down those walls. But we need those walls.
And he likes you, calls you, invites you to things.Ever since you moved to this Grand Old City from the Garden City three years ago, at the age of eleven, you’ve lived outside your body ...Perhaps it is not men who make cities, but cities that make men.