
The Cistaceae are a small family of plants (rock-rose or rock rose family) known for their beautiful shrubs, which are profusely covered by flowers at the time of blossom. This family consists of about 170-200 species in eight genera, distributed primarily in the temperate areas of Europe and the Mediterranean basin, but also found in North America; a limited number of species are found in South America. Most Cistaceae are subshrubs and low shrubs, and some are herbaceous. They prefer dry and sunny habitats. Cistaceae grow well on poor soils, and many of them are cultivated in gardens.

They often have showy yellow, pink or white flowers, which are generally short-lived. The flowers are bisexual, regular, solitary or borne in cymes; they usually have five, sometimes three, petals (Lechea). The petals are free, usually crumpled in the bud, and sometimes in the open flower (e. g. Cistus incanus). It has five sepals, the inner three of which are distinctly wider, and the outer two are narrow and sometimes regarded as bracteoles. The sepal arrangement is a characteristic property of the family.



Lost In Misery Trilogy Iii. Why Me?

by: Xystus

I admit to cry and scream
Can't this merely be a dream
Didn't believe what they say
But now we're seperated by death
Our characters the same
One's fault the other's blame
Now that you're gone and I'm alone
It's pale where the sun once shone
All the things that we have been through
Sorrow and joy I gave you
Living by each other's strength
I knew you, you knew the me
It all happened way too fast
I can't accept this ain't no end
You must be hiding somewhere
No please God this ain't fair
Why me?
I'm being swallowed by these questions
Why me?
Shivers down my spine
Why me?
I'm being punished for no reason
Why me?
Lost in misery
There are things you can't control
Before you know it claims you whole
Letting go might seem the worst part
Think again when grief's tearing you apart
Try remembering the good things
Still submit yourself to sadness
Because he who pushes all away
Severely suffers every day
Why me?
I'm being swallowed by these questions
Why me?
Shivers down my spine
Why me?
I'm being punished for no reason
Why me?
Lost in misery
All shaken I awake
The nightmares in my sleep
Dreams of you I cannot rest
Scared of the person I knew best
Cold and left behind
The one I loved ain't here tonight
I'll pay for a visit therefore instead
I feel relieved facing my own death
Why me?
I'm being swallowed by these questions
Why me?
Shivers down my spine
Why me?
I'm being punished for no reason
Why me?
