Cilentan dialect
The Cilentan language (in Italian: Cilentano, in Cilentan: Celendano or Cilindanu) is a dialect spoken in the area of Cilento, located in the southern part of the Province of Salerno, Campania, Italy.
The principal influence on Cilentan, especially in southern Cilento, is the Sicilian family of dialects, to which it is sometimes considered to belong. Another influence, especially in the Vallo di Diano and in central Cilento, is the Lucanian dialect, as spoken in Potenza and part of its province. In the towns of northern Cilento close to the urban area of Salerno (for example Agropoli, Capaccio and Paestum) the language is mainly influenced by Neapolitan, more specifically by the Salernitan dialect.
The variety of this dialect could be mainly subdivided in:
Northern Cilentan : Mainly influenced by Neapolitan and partly by Lucanian dialects.
Southern Cilentan : Mainly influenced by Sicilian and considered a dialect of this language.
See also