Chysis is a genus of orchids (family Orchidaceae), consisting of 10 currently accepted species (as of May 2014) which originate in the region from Mexico to Peru. Only two or three of these are commonly found in cultivation. The genus is abbreviated Chy in trade journals.
The genus is typified by elongate, spindle-shaped, usually pendulous pseudobulbs of several internodes, which may be fat or slender, depending on the species. The leaves tend to be quite soft and papery, strongly ribbed and long. The leaves can take a good deal more light than is apparent from their thickness. This genus also tends to be partially deciduous, though leaves are often retained for two years.
The inflorescences are multi-flowered and arise from the base of the pseudobulb with the new growth. Flower colour tends to range from white (as in Chysis bractescens) to orange-yellow (as in Chysis aurea and Chysis laevis), and the pollinia often tend to be fused (hence the genus name Chysis which is Greek for "melting").
She says she's sleeping well
She says she's lost some weight
She says she's seen some shows
She says the city's strange
(So she says)
She says the weather's cold
She says there's been some rain
She says there's lots to see
She says she hopes we're fine
(So she says)
(So she says)
The price is high
High as the sky
And she says
She says