Henry Melvill Gwatkin defined church history as "the spiritual side of the history of civilized people ever since our Master's coming". A. M. Renwick, however, defines it as an account of the Church's success and failure in carrying out Christ's Great Commission. Renwick suggests a fourfold division of church history into missionary activity, church organization, doctrine and "the effect on human life".
Church history is often, but not always, studied from a Christian perspective. Writers from different Christian traditions will often highlight people and events particularly relevant to their own denominational history. Catholic and Orthodox writers often highlight the achievements of the ecumenical councils, while evangelical historians may focus on the Protestant Reformation and the Great Awakenings.
The Gardena Buddhist church has endured for nearly 100 years despite challenges ... The church’s minister, Rev ... The groundbreaking for the new main church building, the fourth in its history, was held in October 1962, and it was completed in 1963.
It's a church that sits in a ghost town in an area bypassed by time ... Pallon is a founding member of the RodneyHistory and Preservation Society and her grandfather was the last full-time minister of the church.
... exhibits on the history of the Ulysses S ... The church's properties were instrumental in what she believed was her God-given mission, he said, but she was also an intelligent woman who valued history.
Church leaders said that without raising £300,000 by the end of March, the landmark would no longer be able to keep its doors open for free seven days a week ... Joe Giddens/PA ... The Dean said ... He said ... Peterborough, Medieval history, Church of England ... .
... archdiocese’s bankruptcy, one of the most contentious of the 40 such cases filed by Catholic institutions across the US amid the worldwide church’s ongoing reckoning with its history of clergy abuse.
During the weeks of Lent, we are pausing to consider the history of several of the teachings and practices connected with the celebration and remembrance of Easter. This week we are considering a handful of unusual traditions that have sprung ... .
... of the word “crusade” (which comes from the Latin term “cruciate,” meaning “marked with a cross”) and the Church’s own history with the crusades, which were ordered by popes and led by Saints.
The nonprofit is dedicated to sharing Zervas’ life story — and supporting the process of her becoming a canonized saint in the CatholicChurch... The Catholic Church is believed to have recognized more than 10,000 saints during its 2000-year history.
... in Becket's murder; one of the most shocking church-state conflicts in history.According to reports, Pitt has direct lineage from Henry II's descendants through a line of English and French royalty.
Few individuals in church history have straddled the fault line between insider and outsider quite so capably as Francis of Assisi – a reality that lies at the heart of Volker Leppin’s evenly paced treatment of the medieval saint.