Muban (Thai: หมู่บ้าน) is the lowest administrative sub-division of Thailand. Usually translated as village and sometimes as hamlet, they are a subdivision of a tambon. As of 2008, there were 74,944 administrative muban in Thailand. As of the 1990 census, the average village consisted of 144 households or 746 persons.
Muban may function as one word, in the sense of a hamlet or village, and as such may be shortened to Ban. Mu ban may also function as two words, i.e., หมู่ group (of) บ้าน homes.
Mu, in the sense of group (of homes in a tambon,) are assigned numbers in the sequence in which each is entered in a register maintained in the district or branch-district office.
Ban, in the sense of home or household for members of each group, are assigned a number (Thai:บ้านเลขที่, ban lek ti ) in the sequence in which each is added to the household register also maintained in the district or branch-district office. Each ban is registered in the name of a householder (Thai: เจ้าบ้าน chau ban). Assigned Ban and Mu numbers, together with the names of tambon, district, and province, are used as geographic addresses by government agencies; Thailand Post adds a postal code. Village or Ban names do not usually form part of such official addresses, as explained below.