Yueban (Chinese: 悅般), also written Üeban, Urpen literally: "Weak Xiongnu") was the name used by Chinese historians for remnants of the Xiongnu in Zhetysu, now part of modern-day Kazakhstan. In Chinese literature they commonly called Yueban. The Yuebans gained their own visibility after disintegration of the Eastern Xiongnu state, because unlike the main body of the Northern Xiongnu, who escaped from the Chinese sphere of knowledge, the Yueban tribes remained closer to China.
The Yueban emerged after the disintegration of the Xiongnu confederation. They underwent a strong influence of the Sogdian culture.
Their name was later applied to the Chuy tribes of Chuyue, Chumi, Chumuhun, and Chuban. The Chuy tribes were also collectively named Chuyue (处月; 處月; "Abode of the Moon [god]"). The present endoethnonym of the Chuy descendants is Chuy Kiji, Turkic for "Chuy People".
The Yuebans later intermixing with Turkic peoples, formed the Shatuo of the Western Göktürk Khaganate.
The Yueban-descended Shato played an important role in Chinese dynastic history. In the 10th century the remaining Shato branch of the Chuy tribe possibly joined Mongolic-speaking Tatar confederation in the territory of the modern Mongolia, and became known as Ongud or White Tatars branch of the Tatars.
I'm shoppin', gonna buy my blues away
Shoppin', I'm walking up to the counter and say
I want this sweater, I sure feel better
Shoppin', gonna take my troubles to town
Shoppin', you don't need money down
Charge it, wrap it, send it shoppin'
Ever since my mother took me to a big department store
My heartbeat escalated all the way to the second floor
I couldn't hide my passion for the latest fashion craze
My mama told me that's just another phase I'm going through
Whatcha got that's new?
Shoppin', gonna buy my blues away
Shoppin', I got bad news today
Instead of eating 'cause my man's cheating
Shoppin', I'm gonna take my troubles to town
Shoppin', while everyone else is smokin', token', coken'
Well, I'll be shoppin', hit it, boys
Excuse me Miss, see that, the dress over there?
How many colors does it come in?
Yes, all right, no, I'd like every one
No, I'm not going to try it, I know it'll fit
Ooh, you know what?
Let's go up, oh, they're having a sale
My God, I love sales
No, I don't have a last name
It's just Cher, just plain Cher
Ooh, I like the shoes
Do you think you could this thing
It's all pink and wrinkly it's
What a darling little bag
Shoppin', I'm gonna buy it
Shoppin', I never try it on for size
Shoppin, will I like it
Shoppin', does the color match my eyes?
Folks say I'm daring for what I'm wearing
I'm always scaring the people's staring
So I'm declaring, I'm tired of swearing
I'm just shoppin'
Shoppin', I'm gonna but my blues away
Shoppin', I got bad news today
Shoppin', I'm gonna take my troubles to town
Shoppin', don't need money down
Shoppin', gonna buy my blues away
Shoppin', walking up to the counter and say
I want that sweater, I sure feel better
Shoppin', charge it, wrap it, send it
Shoppin', instead of eating 'cause my man's cheating
I've been shoppin'
While other people may be smokin', token', coken'