The Chromista are a eukaryotic supergroup, probably polyphyletic, which may be treated as a separate kingdom or included among the Protista. They include all algae whose chloroplasts contain chlorophylls a and c, as well as various colorless forms that are closely related to them. These chloroplasts are surrounded by four membranes, and are believed to have been acquired from some red algae.
Chromista has been defined in different ways at different times. The name Chromista was first introduced by Cavalier-Smith in 1981; the earlier names Chromophyta, Chromobiota and Chromobionta correspond to roughly the same group.
It has been described as consisting of three different groups:
Heterokonts or stramenopiles: brown algae, diatoms, water moulds, etc.
In 2010, Thomas Cavalier-Smith indicated his desire to move Alveolata, Rhizaria and Heliozoa into Chromista.
Some examples of classification of the Chromista and related groups are shown below.
Chromophycées (Chadefaud, 1950)