Christopher Yost
Christopher Lee Yost (born February 21, 1973) is an American film, animation and comic book writer best known as the head writer of the Marvel animated series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and co-writer (with his frequent collaborator Craig Kyle) of the comic book series X-23: Innocence Lost, X-23: Target X, New X-Men, X-Force. and Scarlet Spider (Volume 2). Yost was a member of the Marvel Writers Program and one of the screenwriters of Marvel Studios Thor: The Dark World which was released in 2013.
Christopher Yost graduated from the University of Michigan with a film and video degree. With no clear sense of which direction to take his career in, he got into advertising in the Detroit area, producing TV commercials. He later interned, in 2002, in Marvel Comics' west coast office. His spec film scripts got attention from Marvel executives who hired Yost to write episodes of the TV series X-Men: Evolution. In 2003, Yost and Kyle co-wrote the episodes that introduced mutant character X-23, female clone of the popular X-Men character Wolverine. Marvel executives were impressed with X-23’s reception on TV, and asked Yost and Kyle to adapt the character into comics, first by writing a six-issue mini-series titled X-23: Innocence Lost, and then by taking over writing chores (as of issue #20) on the New X-Men title, bringing X-23 in as a regular character. Yost and Kyle also co-wrote a second X-23 six-issue miniseries, titled X-23: Target X as well as X-Force. Yost also wrote Ender's Game: Battle School, the first in a series of adaptations of Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game by Marvel.