Interpretations of Christian fundamentalism have changed over time. Fundamentalism is a movement manifested in various denominations with various theologies, rather than a single denomination or systematic theology. It became active in the 1910s after the release of The Fundamentals, a twelve-volume set of essays, apologetic and polemic, written by conservative Protestant theologians to defend what they saw as Protestant orthodoxy. The movement became more organized in the 1920s within U.S. Protestant churches, especially Baptist and Presbyterian.
... of Christian voters ... Not only does this fly in the face of our country’s long history of sharing our wealth, it violates one of the fundamental tenets of Christianity — helping the needy and the poor.
Narratives that challenge the myths used to legitimize absolute power — in our case historical facts that blemish the sanctity of white male supremacy, capitalism and Christian fundamentalism — are erased.
Narratives that challenge the myths used to legitimize absolute power — in our case historical facts that blemish the sanctity of white male supremacy, capitalism and Christian fundamentalism — are erased ... ← Trump’s Christian Fascists and the Wa.
But American democracy has been derailed by greed and religious fundamentalism ...Today there are more than 10,000Christian sects, which shows why the separation of church and state is a necessity ... Religious fundamentalism is, once again, an obstacle.
Many white Christian nationalists view themselves as a persecuted minority, and Trump is promising to defend them ... But Trump and his Christian nationalist allies often claimed that Biden's presidency was hostile to Christianity.
Originally, Trump imposed a 25 percent tariff on imports from Canada and Mexico... auto manufacturers, directly at their request ... On Thursday, Sen ... READ MORE ... Sen ... Sen ... How an evangelical theory became Christian fundamentalism’s 'dominant framework'. Sen.
READ MORE. 'The worst generation'. DC insider blasts today's 'morally grotesque' GOP... “That all culminated Thursday in this 90-minute meeting in the Cabinet room ... How an evangelical theory became Christian fundamentalism’s 'dominant framework' .
A recent announcement of Hungarian humanitarian help being sent to Syrian Christians in need has spiked our attention ... On the other hand, humanitarian aid is a fundamental issue of Christian ethics ... This is affecting the lives of Christian communities.
Christianity is the loading beam, the fundamental structural element on which American democracy is built ... He believes, correctly I think, that Christianity is the loading beam, the fundamental structural element on which American democracy is built.
To his credit, Vance gave a courageous enunciation of “the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith” that was likely far better than anything Harris or Walz could come up with (if even they believe any of it) or perhaps also Trump.
... that later became known as “Spiritual Christianity” or “Folk-Protestantism” ... A key characteristic of Spiritual Christians, especially evident among the Doukhobors, was their fundamental pacifism.
I also know that the pope, I believe that the pope, is fundamentally a person who cares about the flock of Christians under his leadership,” the vice president said.
This fundamental violation informs all aspects of Zionism — and indeed any settler society — and the violations I will write of include how Israelis relate to the land itself ... A PalestinianChristian, Qumsiyeh is fundamentally a man of peace.
... -- I believe that the pope -- is fundamentally a person who cares about the flock of Christians under his leadership, and he's a man who cares about the spiritual direction of the faith," Vance said.