Christian Walker
Christian Walker is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the main character starring in the series Powers. He was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Avon Oeming. The series was originally published through Image Comics beginning in 2000, but in 2004, it moved to Marvel Comics, where the series launched Marvel's Icon Comics division for creator-owned titles.
Fictional character biography
Christian Walker's origin was explored in the story arc "Forever" in Powers (vol. 1), issues 31 to 37. Initially thought of as a boring, two dimensional character due to his lack of conversation (which has since been put down to a feeling of having had "every discussion before" like an "old man that couldn't be bothered to finish his sentences" in the letters pages of the book) the origin was acclaimed for its originality and filled out some questions surrounding Walker, while further raising some more.
It all started at the dawn of man, when two pre-human hominids have a disagreement over a woman and start fighting, both surprised and confused to find that they have powers. The fight rages on for days and destroys everything in its path as the first super powered battle, eventually tiring them out. They walk away from each other in a stalemate. One of these first ape-men was Christian Walker.