The oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator - Saint Catherine's Monastery. The two different facial expressions on either side emphasize Christ's dual nature as both divine and human.[1][2]

Christ (Greek Χριστός (Khristós) 'anointed') is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), the Messiah, and is used as a title for Jesus in the New Testament.[3]

Followers of Jesus became known as Christians (as in Acts 11:26) because they believed Jesus to be the messiah (Christos) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible – therefore they often call him Jesus Christ, meaning Jesus the Christos.[4] The word was originally a title, but later became part of the name "Jesus Christ", yet it is still also used as a title, in the reciprocal use Christ Jesus, meaning "The Messiah Jesus".[5] In common usage – even within secular circles – "Christ" is generally treated as synonymous with "Jesus of Nazareth".[6]

Jesus has never been accepted by most Jews as their Messiah.[7] Even the Canonical Gospels recount some Rejection of Jesus. Nonetheless, Nicene Christians await the Second Coming of Christ when they believe he will fulfill the rest of the Christian Messianic prophecy.

The area of Christian theology called Christology is primarily concerned with the nature and person of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament.[8]


Etymology and origins [link]

The word Christ (or similar spellings) appears in English and most European languages, owing to the Greek usage of Christós (transcribed in Latin as Christus) in the New Testament as a description for Jesus. Christ has now become a name, one part of the name "Jesus Christ", but originally it was a title (the Messiah) and not a name; however its use in "Christ Jesus" is a title.[4][5]

In the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Bible, the word Christ was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew mashiach (messiah), meaning "anointed."[9][10] Khristós in classical Greek usage could mean covered in oil, or anointed, and is thus a literal translation of messiah.

The spelling Christ (Greek Genitive: τοῦ Χριστοῦ, toú Christoú,; Nominative: ὁ Χριστὸς, ho Christós) in English was standardized in the 18th century, when, in the spirit of the Enlightenment, the spelling of certain words was changed to fit their Greek or Latin origins. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, the word was usually spelled Crist the i being pronounced either as //, preserved in the names of churches such as St Katherine Cree, or as a short /ɪ/, preserved in the modern pronunciation of Christmas. The spelling "Christ" is attested from the 14th century.[11]

In modern and ancient usage, even within secular terminology, Christ usually refers to Jesus, building on the centuries old tradition of such use.[12] Since the Apostolic Age, the use of the definite article before the word Christ and its development into a proper name signifies its identification with Jesus as the promised Jewish messiah.[13]

Background and New Testament references [link]

First page of Mark, by Sargis Pitsak (14th century): "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God".
"But who do you say that I am?"
Peter answered: "The Christ of God".- Luke 9:20[14]

At the time of Jesus, there was no single, coherent form or order within Second Temple Judaism, and significant political, social and religious differences existed among the Jews.[15] However, for centuries the Jews had used the term "the Anointed" to refer to their expected deliverer.[16] A large number of Old Testament passages were regarded as messianic by the Jews, many more than are commonly considered messianic by Christians, and various groups of Jews assigned varying degrees of significance to them.[15]

The Greek word Messias appears only twice in the Greek Old Testament of the promised prince (Daniel 9:26; Psalm 2:2); yet, when a name was wanted for the promised one, who was to be at once King and Savior, this title was used.[17][18] The New Testament states that the Messiah, long awaited, had come and describes this savior as The Christ. In Matt 16:16 the apostle Peter, in what has become a famous proclamation of faith among Christians since the first century, said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."[15]

The opening words in the Gospel of Mark 1:1, namely "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" also identify Jesus as both Christ and the Son of God. The divinity being again re-affirmed in Mark 1:11.[19] Thereafter Mark never applies Christ to Jesus as a name. Matthew 1:1 uses Christ as a name and Matthew 1:16 explains it again with: "Jesus, who is called Christ". In the Gospel of John, Jesus referred to himself as the Son of God far more frequently than in the Synoptic Gospels.[20]

The use of the definite article before the word "Christ" and its gradual development into a proper name show the Christians identified the bearer with the promised Messiah of the Jews who fulfilled all the Messianic predictions in a fuller and a higher sense than had been given them by the Rabbis.[16] In the New Testament e.g. Matthew 1:1, 1:18; Mark 1:1; John 1:17; 17:3; 9:22; Mark 9:40; Luke 2:11; 22:2, the word Christ is preceded by Jesus.[16]

A series of articles on


While the Gospels of Mark and Matthew begin by calling Jesus both Christ and the Son of God, these are two distinct attributions. They develop in the New Testament along separate paths and have distinct theological implications. The development of both titles involves "the precursor", John the Baptist. At the time in Roman Judaea the Jews had been awaiting the "messiah". And many people were wondering who it would be. When John the Baptist appeared and began preaching, he attracted disciples who assumed he would be announced as the Messiah, or "the one" they had been awaiting. But the title Son of God was not attributed to John.

In the Gospel narrative that describe the life of Jesus, the first instance of him being called the Son of God appears during his Baptism by John the Baptist. In the narrative, a voice from heaven called Jesus "My Son". In the Messengers from John the Baptist episode, in Matthew 11:2-6 and Luke 7:18-23.[21] when John the Baptist was in prison two of his disciples asked Jesus a question on his behalf: "Are you the one to come after me or shall we wait for another?"[22] indicating that John doubted the identity of Jesus as Christ at that time, see also Rejection of Jesus.

In John 11:27 Martha told Jesus "you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world", signifying that both titles were generally accepted (yet considered distinct) among the followers of Jesus before the Raising of Lazarus.[23]

Explicit claims of Jesus being the Messiah are found in the Canonical Gospels in the Confession of Peter (e.g. Matthew 16:16) and the words of Jesus before his judges in the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus.[17][24] These incidents involve far more than a mere claim to the Messiahship; taken in their setting, they constitute a claim to be the Son of God.[17]

In the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, it might appear from the narratives of Matthew and Luke that Jesus at first refused a direct reply to the high priest's question: "Art thou the Christ?" Although his answer is given merely as su eipas (thou hast said it), the Gospel of Mark states the answer as ego eimi (I am) and there are instances from Jewish literature in which the expression, "thou hast said it", is equivalent to "you are right".[17] The Messianic claim was less significant than the claim to divinity which caused the high priest's horrified accusation of blasphemy and the subsequent call for the death sentence. Before Pilate on the other hand it was merely the assertion of his royal dignity which gave ground for his condemnation.[17]

In the Pauline Epistles the word Christ is so closely associated with Jesus that it is apparent that for the Early Christians there is no need to claim that Jesus is Christ, for that is considered widely accepted among them. Hence Paul can use the term Christos with no confusion as to who it refers to, and as in 1Corinthians 4:15 and Romans 12:5 he can use expressions such as "in Christ" to refer to the followers of Jesus.[25] Paul proclaimed him as the new Adam, who restored through obedience what Adam lost through disobedience.[26] The Pauline epistles are a source of some key Christological connections, e.g. Ephesians 3:17-19 relates the love of Christ to the knowledge of Christ, and considers the love of Christ as a necessity for knowing him.[27]

There are also implicit claims to being the Christ in the words and actions of Jesus.[17] Episodes in the life of Jesus and statements about what he accomplished during his public ministry are found throughout the New Testament. Although the Bible never says "Jesus is God", trinity based theology summarily claims: "Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person, and will be so forever."[28]

Pre-existence, Incarnation and Nativity [link]

The Anointing of Jesus, c. 1450.

There are distinct, and differing, views among Christians regarding the existence of Christ before his conception. A key passage in the New Testament is John 1:1-18 where John 1:17 specifically mentions that "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." Those who believe in the Trinity, consider Christ a pre-existent divine hypostasis called the Logos or the Word. Other, non-Trinitarian views, question the aspect of personal pre-existence or question the aspect of divinity, or both.

The concept of Christ as Logos derives from John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In the original Greek, Logos (λόγος) is used for "Word," and is often used untranslated. In the Christology of the Logos, Christ is viewed as the Incarnation of the "Divine Logos", i.e. The Word.[29]

Saint Paul viewed the Nativity of Jesus as an event of cosmic significance which by the Incarnation of Christ brought forth a new world of harmony to undo the damage caused by the fall of the first man, Adam. St. Paul's eschatological view of the birth of Jesus as the Christ counter-positions him as ushering in the new world of order that leads to salvation, unlike Adam, whose disobedience caused a rift with God.[5][30]

In the 2nd century, with his theory of "recapitulation", Saint Irenaeus connected "Christ the Creator" with "Christ the Savior", relying on Ephesians 1:10 ("when the times reach their fulfillment – to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ") to gather together and wrap up the cycle of the Nativity and Resurrection of Christ.[31]

Christ and salvation in Christianity [link]

Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator with the Christogram IC XC.[32]
"She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." — In Matthew 1:21 the name Jesus was selected by Divine direction.[33]

In Colossians 1:15-16 Apostle Paul viewed the Nativity of Jesus as an event of cosmic significance which changed the nature of the world by paving the way for salvation.[34][35][36][37]

Christian teachings present the Love of Christ as a basis for his sacrificial act that brought forth salvation.[38][39] In John 14:31 Jesus explains that his sacrifice was performed so: "that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do."[39] Ephesians 5:25 then states that: "Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it".[38]

In the 2nd century, Church Father Saint Irenaeus expressed his views of salvation as in terms of the imitation of Christ and his theory of "recapitulation". For Irenaeus the imitation of Christ is based on God's plan of salvation, which involved Christ as the second Adam. He viewed the Incarnation as the way in which Christ repaired the damage done by Adam's disobedience. For Irenaeus, salvation was achieved by Christ restoring humanity to the image of God, and he saw the Christian imitation of Christ as a key component on the path to salvation.[40] For Irenaeus Christ succeeded on every point on which Adam failed.[41] Irenaeus drew a number of parallels, e.g. just as in the fall of Adam resulted from the fruit of a tree, Irenaeus saw redemption and salvation as the fruit of another tree: the cross of crucifixion.[40]

Following in the Pauline tradition, in the 5th century Saint Augustine viewed Christ as the mediator pf the New Covenant between God and man and as the conqueror over sin. He viewed Christ as the cause and reason for the reconciliation of man with God after the fall of Adam, and he saw in Christ the path to Christian salvation.[42] Augustine believed that salvation is available to those who are worthy of it, through faith in Christ.[43]

In the 13th century Saint Thomas Aquinas aimed to recapture the teachings of the Church Fathers on the role of the Holy Trinity in the economy of salvation.[44] In Aquinas' view angels and humans were created for salvation from the very beginning.[45] For Acquinas the Passion of Christ poured out the grace of salvation and all its virtues unto humanity.[46]

Martin Luther distinguished the history of salvation between the Old and the New Testament, and saw a new dimension to salvation with the arrival of Christ.[47]

The focus on human history was an important element of the biblically grounded 16th century theology of John Calvin. Calvin considered the first coming of Christ as the key turning point in human history. He viewed Christ as "the one through whom salvation began" and he saw the completion of Christ's plan of salvation as his death and Resurrection.[48]

Symbols [link]

The Chi-Rho.

The use of "Χ," derived from Chi, the Greek alphabet initial, as an abbreviation for Christ (most commonly in the abbreviation "Χmas") is often misinterpreted as a modern secularization of the term. Thus understood, the centuries-old English word Χmas, is actually a shortened form of CHmas, which is, itself, a shortened form for Christmas. Christians are sometimes referred to as "Xians," with the 'X' replacing 'Christ.[49]

A very early Christogram is the Chi Rho symbol formed by superimposing the first two Greek letters in Christ ( Greek: "Χριστός"), chi = ch and rho = r, to produce .[50]

See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ God's human face: the Christ-icon by Christoph Schoenborn 1994 ISBN 0-89870-514-2 page 154
  2. ^ Sinai and the Monastery of St. Catherine by John Galey 1986 ISBN 977-424-118-5 page 92
  3. ^ Jesus of history, Christ of faith by Thomas Zanzig 2000 ISBN 0-88489-530-0 page 33
  4. ^ a b Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions by Wendy Doniger 2000 ISBN 0-87779-044-2 page 212
  5. ^ a b c Jesus God and Man by Wolfhart Pannenberg 1968 ISBN 0-664-24468-8 pages 30-31
  6. ^ "Etymology Online: Christ". Retrieved November 19, 2010. 
  7. ^ The nine questions people ask about Judaism by Dennis Prager, Joseph Telushkin 1981 ISBN 0-671-42593-5 page 87
  8. ^ Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus by Gerald O'Collins 2009 ISBN 0-19-955787-X pages 1-3
  9. ^ Jesus of history, Christ of faith by Thomas Zanzig 2000 ISBN 0-88489-530-0 page 314
  10. ^ "Etymology Online: messiah". Retrieved November 19, 2010. 
  11. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. "Christ"
  12. ^ For example, dictionaries such as the 2012 Random House Dictionary and the 2009 Collins English Dictionary give "Jesus of Nazareth" as the first meaning of "Christ".
  13. ^  "Origin of the Name of Jesus Christ". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. 
  14. ^ Who do you say that I am? Essays on Christology by Jack Dean Kingsbury, Mark Allan Powell, David R. Bauer 1999 ISBN 0-664-25752-6 page xvi
  15. ^ a b c Christianity by Donald W. Ekstrand 2008 ISBN 1-60477-929-2 pages 147-150
  16. ^ a b c Catholic encyclopedia on Christ
  17. ^ a b c d e f Catholic encyclopedia on Messiah
  18. ^ Jesus the Christ by Walter Kasper 1976 ISBN 0-8091-2081-X pages 104-105
  19. ^ Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity by Larry W. Hurtado 2005 ISBN 0-8028-3167-2 page 288
  20. ^ Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity by Larry W. Hurtado 2005 ISBN 0-8028-3167-2 pages 363-363
  21. ^ The Gospel of Matthew by Rudolf Schnackenburg 2002 ISBN 0-8028-4438-3 page 104
  22. ^ Mercer dictionary of the Bible by Watson E. Mills, Roger Aubrey Bullard 1998 ISBN 0-86554-373-9 page 459
  23. ^ Christianity by Donald W. Ekstrand 2008 ISBN 1-60477-929-2 page 81
  24. ^ Matthew 16:13-20, Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-20
  25. ^ Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity by Larry W. Hurtado 2005 ISBN 0-8028-3167-2 page 99
  26. ^ Encyclopedia of theology: a concise Sacramentum mundi by Karl Rahner 2004 ISBN 0-86012-006-6 pp 730-739
  27. ^ The letters to the Galatians and Ephesians by William Barclay 2002 ISBN 0-664-22559-4 pages 152-153
  28. ^ Grudem, Wayne A. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Zondervan, 1994. ISBN 0-310-28670-0
    The Person Of Christ p.529
  29. ^ A theology primer by Robert C. Neville 1991 ISBN 0-7914-0849-3 page 141
  30. ^ An exposition of the epistle of Saint Paul to the Philippians by Jean Daille 1995 ISBN 0-8028-2511-7 pages 194-195
  31. ^ Christ at the Center: The Early Christian Era by Lisa D. Maugans Driver 2009 ISBN 0-664-22897-6 page 134
  32. ^ Symbols of the Christian faith by Alva William Steffler 2002 ISBN 0-8028-4676-9 page 67
  33. ^ Bible explorer's guide by John Phillips 2002 ISBN 0-8254-3483-1 page 147
  34. ^ The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia by Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1988 ISBN 0-8028-3785-9 page
  35. ^ An introductory dictionary of theology and religious studies by Orlando O. Espín, James B. Nickoloff 2007 ISBN 0-8146-5856-3 page 238
  36. ^ Mercer dictionary of the Bible by Watson E. Mills, Roger Aubrey Bullard 1998 ISBN 0-86554-373-9 page 712
  37. ^ Basic Theology: by Charles Caldwell Ryrie 1999 ISBN 0-8024-2734-0 page 275
  38. ^ a b New Testament Christology by Frank J. Matera 1999 ISBN 0-664-25694-5 pages 155-156
  39. ^ a b Preaching the Gospel of John: proclaiming the living Word by Lamar Williamson 2004 ISBN 0-664-22533-0 page 192
  40. ^ a b Theological turning points by Donald K. McKim 1989 ISBN 0-8042-0702-X page 80
  41. ^ The Christian theology reader by Alister E. McGrath 2006 ISBN 1-4051-5358-X page
  42. ^ Theological turning points: major issues in Christian thought by Donald K. McKim 1989 ISBN 0-8042-0702-X pages 85-86
  43. ^ An introduction to the theology of religions by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen 2003 ISBN 0-8308-2572-X page 66
  44. ^ The Trinitarian Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas by Gilles Emery, Francesca Aran Murphy 2010 ISBN 0-19-958221-1 pages 13-15
  45. ^ Thomas Aquinas' trinitarian theology: a study in theological method by Timothy Lee Smith ISBN pages 17-19
  46. ^ The encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume 5 by Erwin Fahlbusch 2008 ISBN 0-8028-2417-X page 490
  47. ^ Systematic Theology, Volume 3 Wolfhart Pannenberg 2004 ISBN 0-567-08068-4 page 84
  48. ^ Theological turning points by Donald K. McKim 1989 ISBN 0-8042-0702-X page 161
  49. ^ "X". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 3rd ed. 2001.
  50. ^ Symbols of the Christian faith by Alva William Steffler 2002 ISBN 0-8028-4676-9 page 66

Further reading [link]

The Young Messiah (film)

The Young Messiah is an upcoming American biblical drama film directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and co-written by Betsy Giffen Nowrasteh and Nowrasteh, based on the novel Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice. The film stars Adam Greaves-Neal, Sean Bean, David Bradley, Lee Boardman, Jonathan Bailey, and David Burke. The film revolves around a fictional interpretation of a seven-year-old Jesus, who tries to discover the truth about his life when he returns to Nazareth from Egypt.

Nowrasteh acquired the film rights in 2011, and wrote the script along with his wife Betsy Giffen. Chris Columbus developed the film through his 1492 Pictures banner and helped the film financing by Ocean Blue Entertainment. FilmDistrict acquired the US distribution rights in 2013, which were later transferred to Focus Features in 2014. Principal photography began on September 15, 2014 in Matera and Rome, Italy.

Although the film was known throughout production as Christ the Lord, Focus Features announced on September 1, 2015 that it would now be called The Young Messiah. Nowrasteh said in a press release, "This new title better conveys how our film seeks to present a realistic portrait of Jesus as a child both grounded in faith and consistent with the adult Jesus revealed in the Bible."



Christ The Lord

by: Paul Baloche

Son of God proved His love
That while we were sinners Jesus died for us
No more shame, no more feara
Christ the Lord is risen today
The Lamb of God has taken our sins away
Love's redeeming work is done
Raise Your voice! The King has overcome
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
By His grace, long ago
Our sins were as scarlet, now they're white as snow
Love was nailed to the cross
His dying and His rising has changed our hearts
Made like Him, like Him we'll rise
