Chouf (also spelled Shouf, Shuf or Chuf, in Arabic جبل الشوف Jebel ash-Shouf) is a historic region of Lebanon, as well as an administrative district in the governorate (mohafazat) of Mount Lebanon.
Located south-east of Beirut, the region comprises a narrow coastal strip notable for the Christian town of Damour, and the valleys and mountains of the western slopes of Jabal Barouk, the name of the local Mount Lebanon massif. Chouf is the heartland of the Lebanese Druze community, with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt residing at the Jumblatt palace in the town of Moukhtara. The Emirs of Lebanon used to have their residence in Chouf, most notably Bachir Chehab II, who built the magnificent palace of Beiteddine during the first half of the 19th century. Another historical town, located just below Beiteddine, is Deir al Qamar (the monastery of the Moon).
Baakline, a historic and largest town in the Chouf, used to be the capital of old Mountain of Lebanon, where Druze Amir Fakhreddine II was born. He was well liked by both Christians and Druze and is the best leader who has ever ruled Lebanon. He switched his residence to Deir al Qamar due of a water shortage in Baakline.
MBS may stand for:Master in business studies
3MBS was the first FM (frequency modulation) radio station in Victoria, Australia, and began transmitting to Melbourne and surrounding areas on 1 July 1975. Since then it has operated successfully as a non-profit community-based organisation broadcasting classical and jazz music. 3MBS also led the way for the introduction of community radio in Australia back in 1968.
It is a part of the national Australian Fine Music Network.
The increasing popularity of rock music through the late '50s and '60s led to a reduction in the amount of classical music played on the ABC and commercial radio stations in Australia. Up until the early 1950s most radio stations employed orchestras to play music which included classical music. By the 1960s, only the ABC supported its own orchestra. But even the ABC had dramatically reduced the amount of classical music on air.
A music fan and radio engineer, Brian Cabena, was unhappy about being unable to listen to the music he liked on the radio - and he did something about it. After much unsuccessful lobbying of radio stations, he turned his attention to the government. He argued that if the existing stations were not willing to program for classical music fans, the government should license new stations that would.
5MBS is a community radio station in Adelaide. 5MBS covers much of the Adelaide metropolitan area.
Similar to its sister stations 4MBS in Brisbane, 2MBS in Sydney and 3MBS in Melbourne, 5MBS broadcasts a mixture of classical music and jazz, as well as supporting Adelaide's local arts community.