Chormaqan (also Chormagan or Chormaqan Noyan) (died c. 1241) was one of the most famous generals of the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan and Ögedei Khan. He was also a member of the keshik.
Chormaqan is mentioned in The Secret History of Mongols many times. He probably participated in the Mongol campaigns in North China and later in the Subutai's and Jebe's famous journey through Caucasus and Russiansteppes. Appointed by Ögedei in the winter of 1230 to renew the Mongol conquests in Persia, which had languished since Genghis Khan's assault on and near destruction of the Khwarezmid Empire from 1218 to 1223.
At the approach of Chormagan and the new Mongol army, the Khwarezmids under Jalal ad-Din were swept away. Further campaigns in the mid-1230s, based from the steppes in Azerbaijan around Tabriz, firmly established the Kingdom of Georgia and Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia as vassals. It is theorized that these moves may have been made to secure communications for the attack westward led by Batu that followed shortly thereafter.