In mathematics, a partition of an interval [a, b] on the real line is a finite sequence x = ( xi ) of real numbers such that
In other terms, a partition of a compact interval I is a strictly increasing sequence of numbers (belonging to the interval I itself) starting from the initial point of I and arriving at the final point of I.
Every interval of the form [xi, xi+1] is referred to as a sub-interval of the partition x.
Another partition of the given interval, Q, is defined as a refinement of the partition, P, when it contains all the points of P and possibly some other points as well; the partition Q is said to be “finer” than P. Given two partitions, P and Q, one can always form their common refinement, denoted P ∨ Q, which consists of all the points of P and Q, re-numbered in order.
The norm (or mesh) of the partition
is the length of the longest of these subintervals, that is
Partitions are used in the theory of the Riemann integral, the Riemann–Stieltjes integral and the regulated integral. Specifically, as finer partitions of a given interval are considered, their mesh approaches zero and the Riemann sum based on a given partition approaches the Riemann integral.
The cuneiform MEŠ, or meš is a plural form attached at the end of Mesopotamian cuneiform words as a suffix. As part of a name (PN, personal name, or other), or major class being referenced, in capital letters (a sumerogram form), it is typically separated from other capital letter sumerograms with a period. The name of the group can follow, in lower case letters, for example: (men-massu, Amarna letter EA 365), LÚ.MEŠ–ma-as-sà-meš, (and using a secondary suffix meš, not being typical).
The MEŠ cuneiform is a vertical stroke, followed by three or four angled smaller wedge-strokes. The strokes can also be "not angled", but 45 degree wedges, smaller, or large. For example, Amarna letter EA 161, Aziru to Pharaoh, shows a series of six preparation items listed sequentially. The following wedges (on the meš or sumerogram .MEŠ wedges, are large, and the scribe has a scribing base line, that follows the vertical stroke, a baseline on which the wedges are placed sequentially. EA 161 shows the baseline 'remainder', extending beyond the last 3rd, or 4th wedge.
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is a comprehensive controlled vocabulary for the purpose of indexing journal articles and books in the life sciences; it serves as a thesaurus that facilitates searching. Created and updated by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), it is used by the MEDLINE/PubMed article database and by NLM's catalog of book holdings. MeSH is also used by registry to classify which diseases are studied by trials registered in
MeSH was introduced in 1960, with the NLM's own index catalogue and the subject headings of the Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (1940 edition) as precursors. The yearly printed version of MeSH was discontinued in 2007 and MeSH is now available online only. It can be browsed and downloaded free of charge through PubMed. Originally in English, MeSH has been translated into numerous other languages and allows retrieval of documents from different languages.
Room is a 2005 independent drama film written and directed by Kyle Henry and starring Cyndi Williams. An overworked, middle-aged Texas woman embezzles from her employer and abandons her family to seek out a mysterious room that has been appearing to her in visions during seizure-like attacks.
The film currently holds an approval rating of 69% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Room (formerly Room of One's Own) is a Canadian quarterly literary journal that features the work of emerging and established women and genderqueer writers and artists. Launched in Vancouver in 1975 by the West Coast Feminist Literary Magazine Society, or the Growing Room Collective, the journal has published an estimated 3,000 women, serving as an important launching pad for emerging writers. Currently, Room publishes short fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, art, feature interviews, and features that promote dialogue between readers, writers and the collective, including "Roommate" (a profile of a Room reader or collective member) and "The Back Room" (back page interviews on feminist topics of interest). Collective members are regular participants in literary and arts festivals in Greater Vancouver and Toronto.
The journal's original title (1975-2006) Room of One's Own came from Virginia Woolf's essay A Room of One's Own. In 2007, the collective relaunched the magazine as Room, reflecting a more outward-facing, conversational editorial mandate; however, the original name and its inspiration is reflected in a quote from the Woolf essay that always appears on the back cover of the magazine.
"Room 33" is the sixth episode of the fifth season of the anthology television series American Horror Story. It aired on November 11, 2015 on the cable network FX.
Elizabeth (Lady Gaga) goes to the Murder House to visit Dr. Charles Montgomery (Matt Ross), revealing that she is three weeks pregnant. Before the abortion, the nurse is skeptical about Elizabeth's abnormally low body temperature. During the process, the baby attacks the nurse assisting Charles with the operation. When Elizabeth wakes up, he announces she had a boy.
In present day, John Lowe (Wes Bentley) is awoken from sleep by Holden (Lennon Henry), and he chases him reaching the underground swimming pool where he sees Alex Lowe (Chloë Sevigny) and Holden in a coffin, and faints upon seeing them. Liz Taylor (Denis O'Hare) and Tristan Duffy (Finn Wittrock) have sex and profess their love for each other, but they are wary about Elizabeth. In the meantime, Elizabeth and Will Drake (Cheyenne Jackson) also have sex, but stop due to Will's erectile dysfunction. She texts Tristan to join them, asking him to perform fellatio on Will. Alex drugs John and with Liz's help destroy the coffins. John awakes again and sees Alex on his bed. She explains that his "vision" of the pool filled with coffins is from Scarlett's (Shree Crooks) description. She follows him down to the now emptied sleeping chamber. Elizabeth visits her son in Room 33, before leaving for Paris.
"Chocolate" is a song from The Time's 1990 album Pandemonium. The song was originally recorded in mid-April, 1983 by Prince at Sunset Sound studios during sessions for Ice Cream Castle. Prince originally performed all instruments and vocals (backing vocals by Wendy & Lisa) and this recording remains unreleased, but circulates among collectors. The song was reworked in late 1989 for inclusion on Pandemonium and contains input by the band. Part of Prince's original vocals were edited and included to be a humorous account between Morris Day and a feisty waiter.
"Chocolate" is a pop-funk offering driven by a drum machine pattern and infectious bassline. The drum pattern is very similar to Prince's "Lady Cab Driver" from 1999, and several lines from the Prince outtake "Cloreen Baconskin" (from Crystal Ball) were re-used throughout the song. Added to the mix are the familiar keyboard replacements for horns and funky rhythm guitar, with a bluesy solo toward the end of the song. The title refers to sex; "gimme some of your chocolate" is a euphemism for African-American vagina. The song is a humorous number, with Day recounting a woman allowing him to spend money on her without giving up the "chocolate".