The cherimoya, also spelled chirimoya, is the fruit of the species Annona cherimola, which generally is thought to be native to Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia then transported to the Andes and Central America. Today, cherimoya is grown throughout South Asia, Central America, South America, California, Hawaii, southern Europe, East Africa, Kisii in particular and northern Africa.
Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." The creamy texture of the flesh gives the fruit its secondary name, custard apple.
Cherimoya is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub or small tree reaching 9 m (30 feet) tall. The leaves are alternate, simple, oblong-lanceolate, 7–15 cm long and 6–10 cm broad. The flowers are produced in small clusters, each flower 2–3 cm across, with six petals, yellow-brown, often spotted purple at the base.
The fruit is oval, often slightly oblate, 10–20 cm long and 7–10 cm in diameter, with a smooth or slightly tuberculated skin. The fruit flesh is white and creamy, and has numerous dark brown seeds embedded in it. When ripe, the skin is green and gives slightly to pressure. Some characterize the fruit flavor as a blend of banana, pineapple, papaya, peach, and strawberry. The fruit can be chilled and eaten with a spoon, which has earned it another nickname, the ice cream fruit. Indeed, in Peru, it is commonly used in ice creams and yogurt.
Nobody has come to see you there
But you're so proud you don't see that
Everything you'll do this afternoon
Will lead us to the emptiness
Surrender to this double dealing
You'll never walk alone into the eyes of the night
Remember I got you on my mind
And you're so far from home
When it all comes down to the line
You will just feel the pain
A million network slaves
Trying to break away
From running with the pack that you betray
See, what's ruling our lives
Inside my head i feel the fear is rising on
Every minute
I'm getting weaker while into the jungle
They grow strong, they grow...
What is there for me you can't understand
Gotta get my song, I can't go wrong
Leaving you alone, lay by my side
Look into the dream, so I realize
Step on those who put you on your throne
All you care about's to get your score
Raging by myself I just can scream
But still my eyes can see
When it all comes down to the line
You will just feel the pain
A million network slaves
Trying to break away
From running with the pack that you betray
See, what's ruling our lives
Inside my head i feel the fear is rising on
Every minute
I'm getting weaker while into the jungle
They grow strong, they grow...
What is there for me, the story's been told
What is there for me, my days have been sold
What is there for me, my hope falling down