Bez may refer to:
The Bez is a tributary to the Drôme River in the Drôme department of France. It has a drainage basin of 250 km².
The length of the watercourse is 25.4 km. The drainage basin of the Bez rises to the east in the department of Drôme. To the north and east the basin is defined by the Vercors Plateau (elevation between 1500 and 2000 meters) and to the south by the slightly lower heights of the Diois Plateau. The bassin drains to the west, the valley of the Drôme. The Bez joins the right bank of Drôme River, in the town of Saint-Roman, about ten km upstream from the town of Die through with it eventually becomes a tributary to the Rhône River.
Chime or chimes may refer to:
A carillon-like instrument with fewer than 23 bells is called a chime.
American chimes usually have one to one and a half diatonic octaves. Many chimes are automated.
The first bell chime was created in 1487. Before 1900, chime bells typically lacked dynamic variation and the inner tuning (the mathematical balance of a bell's complex sound) required to permit the use of harmony. Since then, chime bells produced in Belgium, the Netherlands, England, and America have inner tuning and can produce fully harmonized music. Some towers in England hung for full circle change ringing chime by an Ellacombe apparatus.
The Macintosh startup sequence behaviors include the startup chime, Happy Mac, Sad Mac and Chimes of Death.
The Macintosh startup chime is the single note or chord (depending on model type) played when an Apple Macintosh computer is turned on. The sound indicates that diagnostic tests run immediately at startup have found no hardware or fundamental software problems.
Mark Lentczner created the code for the arpeggiated chord used on the Macintosh II. Variations of this sound were used until Jim Reekes created the startup chime used for the Quadra 700 through the Quadra 800. Reekes said, "The startup sound was done in my home studio on a Korg Wavestation. It's a C major chord, played with both hands stretched out as wide as possible (with 3rd at the top, if I recall)." He was also the creator of the iconic (or "earconic", as he calls it) "bong" startup chime used in most Macintoshes since the Quadra 840AV. A slightly lower-pitched version of this chime was used on all PCI-based Power Macs until the iMac G3. The Macintosh LC, LC II, and Macintosh Classic II do not use the Reekes chime, instead using an F major chord that just produces a "ding" sound. The first generation of Power Macintosh computers also do not use the Reekes chime, instead using a chord strummed on a Yamaha 12-string acoustic guitar by jazz guitarist Stanley Jordan. Further, the Power Macintosh 5200–6300 computers (excluding the 5400 and 5500, which still had the "bong" chime) used an exclusive chime not used on any other Macintosh model, and the 20th Anniversary Macintosh also used a special startup chime as well, exclusive to this particular Macintosh.
Je m'baladais sur l'avenue, le coeur ouvert a l'inconnu.
J'a vais envie de dire bonjour a n'importe qui
N'importe qui et ce fut toi, je t'ai dit n'importe quoi,
Il suffisait de te parler, pour t'apprivoiser.
Aux Champs-Élysées, aux Champs-Élysées
Au soleil, sous la pluie, a midi ou a minuit,
Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Élysées
Tu m'as dit J'ai rendez-vous dans un sous-sol avec des fous,
Qui vivent la guitare a la main, du soir au matin .
Alors je t'ai accompagnée, on a chanté, on a dansé
Et l'on n'a même pas pensé -- a s'embrasser
Aux Champs-Élysées, aux Champs-Élysées
Au soleil, sous la pluie, a midi ou a minuit,
Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Élysées