Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Globally it is known by many names including christophene or christophine,cho-cho,cidra (Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda regions of Colombia), sayóte (Filipino languages), guatila (Boyacá and Valle del Cauca regions of Colombia), centinarja (Malta), sousou or chou-chou (chow-chow) (Mauritian Creole), chuchu (Brazil), pimpinela (Madeira), pipinola (Hawaii), tayota (Dominican Republic), mirliton (Haitian Creole), pear squash, vegetable pear,chouchoute, choko, güisquil (Guatemala, El Salvador), pataste (Honduras), piskot or sikot (Meghalaya), is-kus (Nagaland), dashkush (Manipur), iskut (Mizoram), is-Kush (Nepal) su su (Vietnam). Its tuberous and edible root is called chinchayote or chayotextle in Mexico and ichintal in Guatemala.
Chayote is originally native to Mesoamerica. It has been introduced as a crop worldwide. The main growing regions are Brazil, Costa Rica, Veracruz, Mexico and Abkhazia. Costa Rican chayotes are predominantly exported to the European Union, whereas Veracruz mainly exports its chayotes to the United States.
Your are the queen
I'm just a pawn
In the chess game of life
Send me to war
A whisper to the king
Of the favours you gave me
I will take my chance
On a crusade of love
Be my Lady of the Lake
Come love me before it's too late
Be my Lady of the Lake
For the angel with the sword of death won't wait
The colours that I wear
Show me just how much you care
My body is done
My soul will return
To the Lady of the Lake
Dying came too soon
Cry no more tears
There's love after life
A king and his queen everlasting light
Be my Lady of the Lake
Come love me before it's too late
The colours that I wear
Show me just how much you care